[振興美帝經濟] Amazon Black Friday 入手報告區
毒痕俠 2019-12-4 01:09:46 連登枕
Fire TV 4K



港英餘孽林鄭月娥 2019-12-4 01:15:23 Myprotein粉
濱邊美波 2019-12-4 01:34:40 Under Armour
MLTD 兩條褲
人窮福薄 2019-12-4 01:48:30 連登枕即係咩?
樓主份人好小器 2019-12-4 03:08:03 搞撚左成日都仲係

There was a problem confirming your payment information. To prevent potential misuse of your payment card, we have placed your orders on hold and locked your account. You will not be able to place orders until we verify your information.

澳牛有善大使 2019-12-4 03:11:57 你係直頭張卡都入唔到落amazon定只係買唔到先
樓主份人好小器 2019-12-4 03:14:26 入哂出左order number

We have suspended your orders and Amazon account because we detected unusual activity on it. You can help us unlock your account by logging in to your account and following the on-screen instructions.

Please note that you will not be able to access your account or place orders with us until we confirm your information.

樓主份人好小器 2019-12-4 03:15:28 今朝已經比左credit card bill statement 比佢

HKG澤村榮純 2019-12-4 07:07:43 Tempur 買左
Kimochi 呢
HKG澤村榮純 2019-12-4 07:08:54 我本身多鬚 用電動會唔乾淨
Mirabelly 2019-12-4 07:10:16


豆漿大王 2019-12-4 07:13:23 [member我之前入多咗支Philips Sonicare diamond clean比屋企人,運緊過黎,但佢唔鐘意用,你有無興趣?https://t.me/jacky_ck[/member]
檀黎斗 2019-12-4 07:16:35 Breville-Nespresso USA BNE800BSSUSC Nespresso Creatista Plus Coffee Espresso Machine, 1, Stainless Steel
Sold by: Amazon Export Sales LLC

Order Summary
Item(s) Subtotal:$389.96
Shipping & Handling:$44.16
Your Coupon Savings:-$97.47
Total before tax:$336.65
Import Fees Deposit$31.12
Grand Total:$367.77
藍澤耕作 2019-12-4 08:15:40 電壓唔同?
肥關 2019-12-4 08:21:33 Acer aspire 5
Firetv x2
kindle paperwhite
pixel 3
dyson v8 animal
tribit xsound go
檀黎斗 2019-12-4 08:33:03 110V 但ME 外國撚所以OK
Mirabelly 2019-12-4 08:45:12
V小姐你生性病 2019-12-4 08:52:06 Motorola Original OEM RLN6554A RLN6554 Wireless Remote Speaker Microphone Mic for APX 1000 APX 3000 APX 4000 APX 4000 Li APX 6000 APX 6000 Li APX 6000

Order Summary
Item(s) Subtotal:$259.00
Shipping & Handling:$9.59
Grand Total:$259.00
摸頂高手 2019-12-4 09:00:52 連登枕
keychron k2
HKG澤村榮純 2019-12-4 09:18:07 連登枕 真係平太多對比香港
壹捌參 2019-12-4 09:21:53


淫閱兩臀圓 2019-12-4 09:24:56 nooo. 唔好la. 最平89.99 屌
紫晶原礦 2019-12-4 09:26:20 sony dpt rp1,
C朗老婆 2019-12-4 09:27:59 Cult beauty skincare
Alo yoga
Skin store
IN石原里美WeLove 2019-12-4 09:39:23 第一次amazon

買左本書 香港搵唔到
boris johnson 寫既 churchill factor