Avril Lavigne "Head Above Water " World Tour 2020 香港站
LoveTony(3000) 2020-2-6 02:30:48


乜野黎架 2020-2-6 12:19:06
青春住了誰 2020-2-6 13:08:14
乜野黎架 2020-3-1 04:55:58 I am so sad to announce that we are unable to tour the Asian markets due to the continuous outbreak of the coronavirus. My band, crew and I have been working so hard to bring this tour worldwide and are completely bummed out. Please everybody take care of yourselves and stay healthy. You’re in my thoughts and prayers and we are hoping to announce rescheduled shows soon.

冇眼睇 2020-3-1 08:34:14 點樣退返錢?
雷神(啤酒肚) 2020-3-1 09:16:42
Lovren 2020-3-1 09:28:57
乜野黎架 2020-3-1 09:30:11 Btw好似話會改期進行
琉璃光 2020-3-1 09:45:10
保羅戴巴拿馬火腿 2020-3-1 10:04:42 睇ig 話取消左
Claire.Redfield 2020-3-1 10:07:33 此回覆已被刪除


水星再度逆行 2020-3-1 10:39:58 取消
乜野黎架 2020-3-1 10:53:45 但係淨係講咗取消冇講點退錢個d
貪吃小豬 2020-3-1 11:25:59 屌好撚sad
豬jer緊 2020-3-1 11:40:26 係囉
菜心好食 2020-3-1 11:58:13 灰左
驢子咿哦 2020-3-1 13:46:31
火炙三文魚 2020-3-1 14:26:52
失事軑 2020-3-1 16:52:39 https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/entertainment/20200229/bkn-20200229172611535-0229_00862_001.html
1212隻腳 2020-3-1 17:21:20
口罩奶罩都係罩 2020-3-1 19:37:03 好想睇呀但係想知道佢有冇得退錢


格列Xhaka 2020-3-1 21:13:33 點退
條女唔愛我 2020-3-2 11:48:55 回水呀
todayiswendy 2020-3-2 14:27:42 有冇人已經退咗錢?
豬jer緊 2020-3-2 17:05:05 冇講點退錢呀..