(gay)冬天暖笠笠心事分享區 296
cc732 2019-12-9 21:15:04 大有人在 一堆sales 再唔係就蝗一齊玩line
日日都上演 阻人正式交友


豆奶不加糖 2019-12-9 22:24:07 Link 呢
cc732 2019-12-9 22:54:09


cc732 2019-12-9 23:07:12


賈雨村 2019-12-9 23:35:47 又係武尊
cc732 2019-12-9 23:39:43
多謝支持 2019-12-9 23:50:54
cc732 2019-12-9 23:51:50

cc732 2019-12-9 23:52:17 性方面你好多機遇
多謝支持 2019-12-9 23:54:16
cc732 2019-12-9 23:55:25 我要性歡愉 賜我正桃花


多謝支持 2019-12-9 23:56:57
cc732 2019-12-9 23:58:42
雷克雅未克 2019-12-9 23:59:56
cc732 2019-12-10 00:02:07
多謝支持 2019-12-10 00:16:50
cc732 2019-12-10 00:21:01 借你性愛運 性交轉運 快吖
多謝支持 2019-12-10 00:32:07
雷克雅未克 2019-12-10 00:46:20
賈雨村 2019-12-10 00:53:42 唯一一套J過既卡通
求銀祈 2019-12-10 01:23:09 hehe巴打們

Hong Kong police called a political leader 'damn homo'

On December 8, 800 000 Hong Kong protesters joined the Human Rights Day Rally and marched to voice their demands. During the event, Jimmy Sham, a well-known gay political leader who fights for both LGBT and political rights, was called 'damn homo' by police.

'Police suddenly set a line of defense. I worried that there would be a conflict between police and citizens. I went to urge protestors to get back to the crossroad. When I arrived at the frontline, although I was asking protestors to leave, multiple police pointed at me and called me "damn homo". Was it a so-called professional action? They presumably recognised me, else they would not scold me in this way. Today, you can see that the police force continuously provoked the protestors and the protest event applicant. They did it using insulting and threatening wordings with a negative manner. This is extremely unsatisfactory,' Jimmy Sham said.

Lau Ting-sing, a famous gay businessman who owned thousands of 'inappropriate' photos of male celebrities and policemen, commented on this incident. 'You guys (heterosexual policeman) are so straight, yet you are still greedy enough to take nude photographs!' He mocked.

According to HK Apple Daily, a Hong Kong newspaper, some police called the passerby 'cockroach'. It is a Nazi word related to massacre. They also asked reporters to 'shut up' and pointed strong flashing light at them. Moreover, they pointed guns and batons at an old woman.


JA02AN 2019-12-10 01:27:48
雷珍妮(名媛) 2019-12-10 01:38:10 天蠍+1....
雷珍妮(名媛) 2019-12-10 01:38:41 又話死咗
賈雨村 2019-12-10 01:39:57 我記得傳過佢死左