英國戰線 Hong Kong Watch 眾籌冇人理
佢鬼係 2019-12-4 23:53:09


Bn 2019-12-4 23:54:19
exid 2019-12-4 23:55:43 push push push!
Bn 2019-12-4 23:56:00
落木 2019-12-4 23:56:15 仲係得51%,搞乜
海南G飯 2019-12-4 23:56:36
不理不理豬太郎 2019-12-5 00:05:57 Diu,bno平權變撚左藍屍平權,唔撚捐呀
小病大痛 2019-12-5 00:10:21 Done
Bn 2019-12-5 00:13:37
海鹽蛋糕 2019-12-5 00:13:53 我有咩幫到你?
Bn 2019-12-5 00:14:13


揸灘 2019-12-5 00:14:36 pushhh
毛產階級連衛兵 2019-12-5 00:14:47 好後悔捐咗
益咗班廢老 屌
平行時空間 2019-12-5 00:14:49 Push
621721831 2019-12-5 00:16:23
Bn 2019-12-5 00:16:30
Bn 2019-12-5 00:17:01
佢鬼係 2019-12-5 00:17:31
Bn 2019-12-5 00:19:31
Bn 2019-12-5 00:25:03
Bn 2019-12-5 00:25:17


沉默殺機 2019-12-5 00:25:21
Bn 2019-12-5 00:25:27
蠢過荷蘭農場隻豬 2019-12-5 00:25:55
秋葉園丁 2019-12-5 00:27:18 佢地唔止爭取BNO平權
1. To see the UK extend the rights of BNO passport holders
2. To see international governments apply Magnitsky sanctions to perpetrators of human rights violations
3. To build on the momentum following the passage of the US Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act
4. To educate parliamentarians and policy makers around the world about the situation in Hong Kong - keeping up the pressure on Governments.
Benedict Rogers一路都好幫香港