英國戰線 Hong Kong Watch 眾籌冇人理
夜半無人 2019-12-3 01:23:03 英國戰線 Hong Kong Watch 眾籌冇人理


Our goals
We have a very small team, but vicious police brutality and Hong Kong government incompetence has expanded the need for international pressure, and so we need to hire another policy expert to build our team! We are seeking to fund the position for two years and the extra staff capacity will help us to achieve these goals:

1. To see the UK extend the rights of BNO passport holders (BNO平權)

2. To see international governments apply Magnitsky sanctions to perpetrators of human rights violations 英國Magnitsky 制裁侵犯人權罪犯

3. To build on the momentum following the passage of the US Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act 通過英國香港人權民主法

4. To educate parliamentarians and policy makers around the world about the situation in Hong Kong - keeping up the pressure on Governments. 遊說英國國會



夜半無人 2019-12-3 01:23:32 推 1
夜半無人 2019-12-3 01:23:52 推 2
夜半無人 2019-12-3 01:24:51 推 3
香城溫家寶 2019-12-3 01:25:17 [黃色經濟圈] 時代革命由生活開始:黃色商圈已降臨(劉細良)
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
PulpFiction 2019-12-3 01:26:55 而家成廿幾萬人有,一人一蚊英鎊都搞掂啦
夜半無人 2019-12-3 01:27:02 推 4
夜半無人 2019-12-3 01:28:26 視乎有幾想平到權啦
DC有條橙毛 2019-12-3 01:28:28 P牌退
連丁也賭輸 2019-12-3 01:29:28
Uni 2019-12-3 01:30:51


夜半無人 2019-12-3 01:31:36 推 5
夜半無人 2019-12-3 01:32:38 推 6
DC有條橙毛 2019-12-3 01:32:46
公廁臭雞 2019-12-3 01:32:49 Push
五文字 2019-12-3 01:32:58 Push
memes 2019-12-3 01:33:03
夜半無人 2019-12-3 01:33:09 推 7
夜半無人 2019-12-3 01:33:41 推 8
DOIT! 2019-12-3 01:33:49 Push
伊藤かりん 2019-12-3 01:34:18 捐ed


五文字 2019-12-3 01:34:25 send 去Reddit Twitter 品蔥 PTT
五文字 2019-12-3 01:34:56 send 去Reddit Twitter 品蔥 PTT
五文字 2019-12-3 01:35:07 send 去Reddit Twitter 品蔥 PTT Solomon
五文字 2019-12-3 01:35:32 send 去Reddit Twitter 品蔥 PTT Solomon