[莎木有四,香港必勝]莎木討論區 20
菊梓喬男朋友 2020-1-10 19:04:46 sor 錯po


安耶馬 2020-1-10 19:55:52 打第二次會唔同?
太雷蝦阿柴 2020-1-10 20:05:05 應該冇,但講到秀瑛好靚就即刻想去香港
太雷蝦阿柴 2020-1-10 20:42:44 見到a9vg講去橫須賀,有人話二代個地方去唔到啦,樓主話對嗰個地方冇好感

shenmue 2020-1-10 20:49:15
安耶馬 2020-1-10 23:31:24
安耶馬 2020-1-11 21:39:31 https://www.facebook.com/groups/Shenmue500K/permalink/2691983077544046/
安耶馬 2020-1-12 12:49:49 https://youtu.be/F3ft-Ie1zIg
太雷蝦阿柴 2020-1-12 23:56:27 憤怒

真・女神嘉欣 2020-1-13 22:44:00 啱啱見到更新咗,更新啲咩
Suica 2020-1-14 08:36:23 Added fixes for some crashing.
Addressed audio-related issues.
Addressed issues related to UI.
Added fixes for framerate drop and freezing issues.
Added performance and stability improvements.
Fixed blue screen issues on PS4.
Added fixes for stuttering/lag issues.
Other under the hood fixes.


Suica 2020-1-14 09:00:57 Sorry呢個先真

Shenmue III Update 1.04 Patch Notes

• ⁠Made adjustments to certain game contents.
• ⁠Optimized background displays.
• ⁠Made improvements to the conversation function.
• ⁠Updated localization texts and displays.
• ⁠Made adjustments to the credits roll.
• ⁠Made fixes to backer contents.
• ⁠Made preparations for DLC application.
• ⁠Other minor bug fixes
shenmue 2020-1-14 11:47:22 DLC
安耶馬 2020-1-14 12:20:45 made preparation

btw, 改善conversation,係咪有得飛
活著何求 2020-1-14 15:36:10 試左無得飛
太雷蝦阿柴 2020-1-14 20:01:05 DLC要來了嗎
安耶馬 2020-1-15 06:58:39 最低能係一啲同一日重覆嘅對話可飛,第二日開番機又係要聽番一次先
安耶馬 2020-1-15 06:59:07 叫大家科番百零蚊再等。
shenmue 2020-1-15 17:49:41 epic$9usd
安耶馬 2020-1-15 22:04:54 https://www.facebook.com/1624470404455703/posts/2622290521340348/

安耶馬 2020-1-15 22:07:41 Shenmue III Breaking News!

The "Battle Rally" DLC will launch next week for PS4 & PC on 21 January!

“Battle Rally” offers fresh gaming activities in a race unlike any other, as contestants engage in head-to-head battles whilst racing their way through the course!

Stay tuned!

Source: https://twitter.com/kochmediauk/status/1217446474688139270?s=21


shenmue 2020-1-15 23:22:20 有韋珍
太雷蝦阿柴 2020-1-16 00:37:16 有性格嘅女子
活著何求 2020-1-16 00:53:26 dlc賽車?
尖銳香港水砲 2020-1-16 02:16:38 要比錢先玩得?