[又簽聯署呀喂!] 荷蘭海牙法庭控告香港警務處,要100萬個簽名
陳家雄 2019-12-1 10:45:05


Easy 2019-12-1 10:51:51
係時候出動 2019-12-1 10:58:17 puah
107.107 2019-12-1 11:02:16 此回覆已被刪除
五洋魔王 2019-12-1 11:17:57
乃木坂春香 2019-12-1 11:25:42
唔好寫真實資料上去呀 如果個發起者係中國奸細既話

Your first name, last name, city and/or postcode, and the day that you signed will be shared with the person who initiated a petition you have signed, even if you select the option not to display your name and comment publicly. This is extremely important for petition starters to demonstrate the legitimacy of their signatures to the decision-makers they are working to influence. If you do not wish to have this information shared with the person who initiated the petition, please do not sign the petition.

The petition starter may choose to share your name and general geographic location with the intended decision maker who is the recipient of their petition. For example, the intended decision maker may be your congressman/woman when the petition concerns an issue relevant to him or her. If you do not wish to have this information shared with the petition recipient, you should not sign the petition.

If you sign a petition started by an NGO or other organization, you will be presented with the option of sharing your email address with that NGO or organization to receive direct email updates from them (not via the platform) should you choose to provide your consent for such sharing. Such organizations are not Change.org’s commercial partners and are in no way affiliated with Change.org. Enabling our users to interact directly with organizations, if those users consent to this connection, is part of our goal of helping people to stay informed on the causes that matter to them. We may revoke an organization’s access to this option in response to reports of abuse.
五洋魔王 2019-12-1 12:34:32
拎碌鳩碌拎 2019-12-1 12:35:02 推呀
人質易盡 2019-12-1 12:35:39
靈魂破碎 2019-12-1 12:40:29
馬田健 2019-12-1 13:54:15


柒婆幾時死 2019-12-1 13:54:53
小明2018 2019-12-1 14:00:10
五洋魔王 2019-12-1 14:34:36
吃遍這世界賓周 2019-12-1 17:25:54
小病大痛 2019-12-1 17:48:45 Push
屌你老母特朗普 2019-12-1 17:50:07 push
曼城主場超惡 2019-12-1 17:50:21 已簽,再幫手推
給我十分鐘 2019-12-1 17:52:25
阿里山球迷 2019-12-1 17:54:18
苦命人009 2019-12-1 18:05:48 留個名先


楓葉孤城 2019-12-1 18:16:21
小莓 2019-12-1 18:18:40 tui
牙辛絲奧 2019-12-1 20:45:47 推呀
無名火 2019-12-1 20:49:44 此回覆已被刪除