[力架s快d好返] [#ValverdeOUT(26)] 巴塞隆拿球迷討論區 (324)
你點知的 2019-12-2 17:09:58 Ok咁我放長雙眼睇Firpo成材


醉酒(右閘)._. 2019-12-2 17:10:01 狗狗你係咪話某人老公?
無野講!唔開手機 2019-12-2 17:10:39 此回覆已被刪除
耿鬼 2019-12-2 17:11:43 呢度好多個老公
醉酒(右閘)._. 2019-12-2 17:12:31 召喚落星牌老公
無野講!唔開手機 2019-12-2 17:12:58 此回覆已被刪除
你點知的 2019-12-2 17:14:42 琴晚唔訓等到四點睇Firpo破壞晒巴塞d style嬲嬲地姐
醉酒(右閘)._. 2019-12-2 17:15:39 華氏巴塞有咩style可言
無野講!唔開手機 2019-12-2 17:16:31 此回覆已被刪除
你點知的 2019-12-2 17:16:34 就係球員自己組織同發揮
耿鬼 2019-12-2 17:17:53 遲d會唔會有攝氏巴塞?


醉酒(右閘)._. 2019-12-2 17:18:49
絢辻詞(班長) 2019-12-2 17:22:36
問學人 2019-12-2 17:23:41 屌你
觀塘美欺 2019-12-2 17:25:13 有啲人踢足幾季臨走都唔啱巴塞style 你對一個踢咗幾場嘅新仔有咩期望
鳩比 2019-12-2 17:27:17 此回覆已被刪除
Arthur__Fleck 2019-12-2 17:35:47 一個利物浦一個羅馬
Deerhunter😎 2019-12-2 17:43:04 唔係reference to cybertruck個press con?
你點知的 2019-12-2 18:04:25
武磊(亞洲一哥) 2019-12-2 18:46:25 明明就寫住中場同後防
Arthur__Fleck 2019-12-2 18:54:22 唔放大睇真係睇唔到


S_Roberto 2019-12-2 19:24:00 Rafael Hernández

Valverde’s strategy of “Messi, please for the love of god win this shit for me” worked wonders.

Messi wins it against the odds in the league, most consistent player in football history.

He wasn’t just playing at the toughest away match yet, Mateu Lahoz was also officiating it.

Messi's going to carry Barcelona to another league trophy. Greatest of all fucking time 🐐
萬能插蘿蔔頭 2019-12-2 20:15:21 小明傷左咩?近2,3場都唔見佢
blacKKKlansman 2019-12-2 20:35:04 Firpo算係咁啦
De_Jong_21 2019-12-2 20:58:11 此回覆已被刪除