牛仔 2019-12-19 13:24:00 做福萬千市民呀


安美露卡東尼 2019-12-19 13:41:18 雖然車路但行得好舒服,沿路都係田,車少人更少
吃遍這世界賓周 2019-12-19 21:24:53 我琴日上左去
DDG 2019-12-19 23:52:12 池田湖得16分鐘
辛坦拿杜尼 2019-12-19 23:58:41 池田湖落車打個卡就走得架喇喎,你睇下樓上有巴打去過,佢都話15分鐘夠晒,你用google map睇吓嗰度真冇乜嘢,同隻水怪影吓相,影吓湖上既開聞岳就冇嘢好睇了

辛坦拿杜尼 2019-12-20 00:00:19

下個星期去 到而家都未plan好
09:55-10:47 JR鹿兒島中央-JR指宿
11:27-11:33 JR指宿-JR山川
11:46-11:57 JR山川-JR西大山
12:15 行路去德光小前
12:41-13:05 德光小前-唐船峽
14:05-14:14 唐船峽-池田湖
14:30-14:59 池田湖-長崎鼻
15:59-16:30 長崎鼻-砂むし会館前
17:30-17:34 砂むし会館前-指宿

池田湖落車打個卡就走得架喇喎,你睇下樓上有巴打去過,佢都話15分鐘夠晒,你用google map睇吓嗰度真冇乜嘢,同隻水怪影吓相,影吓湖上既開聞岳就冇嘢好睇了

DDG 2019-12-20 00:10:08 咁睇落都ok
趕老婆出廳 2019-12-20 00:48:55 我就係11點開始上大浪池 果陣都藍天
楓葉孤城 2019-12-20 01:14:42 <置頂> 投票 有冇人認為年尾要向外國登報
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
李若菲 2019-12-20 09:16:07 有無圖分享下?
挑起事端 2019-12-20 09:22:58 Agger

本身plan淨係去大浪池 因為睇過啲相攻頂又唔係話好靚


hi_sseulgi 2019-12-20 10:00:40 四月份時



prokofiev 2019-12-20 13:53:39 Last week my Japanese friend Keita asked if I wanted to join him for supper at his place in Fukuoka. I replied in the affirmative. I had some snacks beforehand to take the edge of my hunger. We washed two boxes of pasta salad and left the salad to dry out before eating it. In this way the salad contains more nutrients than when you consume it right after opening the lid. We cut the meat and red peppers into dice, peeled and diced the potatoes and chopped the onions. We were careful because the knife has a razor-sharp edge. The inside of the meat is raw whereas the outer surface is cooked. Onions can be eaten raw or cooked. After supper I said "I'll wash you dry" He came to the kitchen and stood beside me drying up the cutlery and utensils while I washed. Since it's best to dry your clothes out by hanging them on the clothesline, I went ahead and helped him do that. We then joined his sister on a run along the promenade which was relaxing. I bought a pair of sneakers for her who said she would pay me back if I got her those trainers. Looks like she sold me a pup- then I bought a Gucci watchband but I'm wondering if this really is genuine. I might have been sold a bill of goods. I gave her a foot massage and dried her feet on her brother's quilt lol and a towel. On that evening we joined with their mum in doing a fifty seven thousand and twenty piece jigsaw puzzle. It felt thoroughly enjoyable. Since both Keita and I are Marvel fans the next day we went to the cinema and joined the queue for the movie tickets for Avengers. His friends joined us in the cinema later. Keita is a marketing manager at the Hilton. I enjoy his company. He uses photoshop every day for poster and banner design as photoshop is worth its weight in gold in digital marketing. The party poster he designed is fabulous. The gold words are clearly defined on the black background. I admire his ambition and ruthless determination to succeed. He never gets sidetracked by other people and unimportant issues. In addition he enjoys debates. Just the other day he wiped the floor with all opposition during a debate about the existence of God which was pretty impressive. His best friend is his malamute. He towels off the dog after its bath. Nowadays dogs certainly don't come cheap including getting them spayed or neutered and any medications they take when they have a condition. It's expensive to buy everything they need. His grandfather was commissioned as a senior officer in the air force while his great grandfather accepted a commission as a sergeant major in the army during the cold war. He was buried with full military honours. His dad is a physics professor who along with his team are currently solving an exceedingly difficult math question for all they're worth. Hopefully they'll find an answer to it soon. Besides physics he's an avid football fan. His favourite team Barcelona is currently top of the league whereas Milan is bottom of the league. Madrid is lying third in the league this year. Recently budapest edged Rome three-two. Budapest edged its rival into second place. The league championship is the opportunity for all the best teams in the league to strut their stuff. His elder sister is an estate agent who earns a basic salary of three hundred ninety thousand dollars per annum plus a three percent commission on every deal she makes so she doesn't work on commission only. So far this year her sales have been beneath the expectations of the company partly because the economy is hardly blooming. She's a fan of Jacqueline Wong. Have you heard of the sex scandal involving her and Andy? She was having an affair with Andy who's married to Sammi. They were without doubt an item. As a result many people think it's time for her to hang up her spurs. In fact her friend Alan hung up his spurs several years ago because of a sex scandal.
prokofiev 2019-12-20 14:01:19 My Japanese friend Keita's brother-in-law is an insurance salesman who is paid a daily wage of three hundred dollars plus a twenty percent commission on the sales he makes so his job isn't by commission only. Last year his profits lived up to his expectation. He said he would be out on strike but it turned out that he was joking because his dad is an intense patriot. If he had gone on strike his dad wouldn't have been happy. His brother has opened a beauty parlour. Hopefully it attracts lots of customers since he bet the farm on it. His uncle was broke several years ago because he bet the ranch on his company which went bankrupt later. He managed to honour his debt in three and a half years. Keita's younger sister is a concierge who feels she's chosen the wrong career. I said "Why not wipe the slate clean and start over in a different career?" Keita too suggested that she study a degree course and start afresh. She blames her bad career decision on Keita. I said "let's just wipe the slate clean. It's over" She blames him for convincing her to be a concierge. Well that's the way the cookie crumbles. His cousin is planning on doing a PhD since today a master's isn't worth the paper it's written on let alone a bachelor degree. Last Wednesday he was almost swindled out of thousands of dollars. I told him that that person was a scammer who was trying to swindle money from him. The contract isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Fortunately he listened to me. Otherwise the swindler would've swindled him out of thousands of dollars. I've read in the newspapers that some customers were promised to get a refund if they weren't happy with the products but later they found out that they'd been sold down the river as they have been unable to contact the swindler to date. The scammer didn't honour the contracts. Yesterday his cousin dropped a dumbbell which dented my chair. I said I would wipe his slate clean if he fixed the dent in my chair lol. His auntie is a professional basketball player. She never goes off on a sidetrack.
趕老婆出廳 2019-12-20 14:35:39 攻頂的確唔靚
Carrie_Lam 2019-12-20 17:35:58 一月去鹿兒島十幾日,諗緊會去霧島,宮崎,高千穗,別府,阿蘇,熊本,再返鹿兒島走,唔想太chur,有無建議加插咩地方

Lord賓特拿 2019-12-21 23:10:22 幾日前係霧島三大景點,8成香港人

OvuvuevuevueOsas 2019-12-21 23:25:44 你地睇D交通係咪都係乘換案內搞掂?
DDG 2019-12-21 23:28:56
楓葉孤城 2019-12-21 23:43:29
DDG 2019-12-21 23:44:38


楓葉孤城 2019-12-22 00:36:36
辛坦拿杜尼 2019-12-22 00:47:44 你係用最早由鹿兒島中央到達鵜戸神宮既方法,比其他人喺宮崎11:10先出發你算係多時間了,其實你仲可以留多一個鐘喺SunMesse食lunch,15:31先離開SunMesee去青島,17:18先喺青島走都可以啦。不過你要注意海幸山幸唔係日日開出,check清楚你去嗰日有冇開
辛坦拿杜尼 2019-12-22 00:56:06 乘換案內我會參考,JR基本冇問題,但巴士最準確都係check返官網,因為啲巴士班次通常隔一段時間就會改,但乘換案內或NAVITIME都未必update得切,而且有啲巴士路線,例如去高千穗牧場既巴士,乘換案內係search唔到既。
我係呢個post #16樓度post咗啲官網link,你可以去睇吓
DDG 2019-12-22 00:57:50