又係時間推吓Amazon 平價notebook (22)
月薪百萬的廢青 2019-12-8 12:54:01 唔係 係同鋪頭講你要咩頭 幾多W 既牛 一係就同佢講你咩電腦要牛


Crying 2019-12-8 13:01:14 我上個星期都比佢lock左
Upload返statement 同交易記錄就冇事
楊岳橋魯諾 2019-12-8 13:08:18 此回覆已被刪除
床上枯燥的手袋 2019-12-8 18:20:42 巴打可唔可以介紹下個散熱板?有咩特別?
關乳暈長 2019-12-8 19:37:19 Upload 去邊?我打埋電話,又fax 都未得,用第二個ac又lock 9 me
關乳暈長 2019-12-8 19:40:25 日日send 幾封同一個白痴ai email 俾我,打到上cs話唔係佢地嗰邊搞,要另外搵人跟進

Your Amazon.com account: response required



Thank you for your response. We were still unable to verify your ownership of the xx card ending in xx

We will be able to unlock your account if you can reply to this message and attach a recent billing statement for this payment card. Please ensure the following are visible:
- The last four digits of the card ONLY. For your security, do NOT include full card or account numbers.
- Billing name and address
- If included in your billing statement, also include phone number

To prevent unauthorized account activity, ensure that you reply from the email address registered to your Amazon.com account. Our account specialists will review the information provided and respond to you within 24 hours.
Crying 2019-12-8 19:45:21 上面幅圖㩒add document
在電線桿上裸睡 2019-12-8 21:10:30 但係我部laptop仲運緊,而且收到畀錢message
在電線桿上裸睡 2019-12-8 21:10:51 會唔會畀咗錢但係收唔到貨
BlueRing 2019-12-8 22:47:42
BlueRing 2019-12-8 22:49:36


捉我如果你可以 2019-12-8 22:56:56 一到咗 Stress run冇事就即刻放多隻m.2 SSD落去
之後重可以放多隻2.5 SSD
BlueRing 2019-12-8 22:58:04
BlueRing 2019-12-8 23:35:53
捉我如果你可以 2019-12-8 23:39:52 我係check 粒U係唔係有降壓個時做埋
用 Intel XTU
BlueRing 2019-12-8 23:43:33
彭于晏(暴徒) 2019-12-8 23:43:55 你試到最多undervolt到幾多?
我9750h version 用throttle stop make suer 係-125mv就算
彭于晏(暴徒) 2019-12-8 23:44:21 應該係
但先頭先用throttle stop check 又冇左
捉我如果你可以 2019-12-9 00:09:56
理大BAND3仔 2019-12-9 00:22:27 https://www.amazon.com/-/zh_TW/dp/B07TXCF4JR/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=asus&qid=1575821735&sr=8-5


理大BAND3仔 2019-12-9 00:26:54 7左,個seller 唔係ASUS


所羅門之(gakki) 2019-12-9 01:13:44 Lg gram出2020最新版
臭腳B 2019-12-9 03:28:12 https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07Y5WGXKK/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
巴打點睇呢部zenbook?我岩岩搵緊i7 10代,16gbram,主要用黎run大量data,唔打機,想輕身。呢部係咪最好選擇?唔該巴打
關乳暈長 2019-12-9 03:38:02

Crying 2019-12-9 07:39:02 我係喺電腦搞 但上面幅圖係手機版 應該手機都搞到呱 好似一login已經係上面個page