韓國電影集中討論區 (10)
空山舒 2020-2-7 01:24:48 睇下面行細字,洪常秀又自己作曲


柔道龍虎榜 2020-2-7 05:39:09 唔知有無記錯
朴贊郁想改編the ax好似講左好耐 終於開得成

諗起杜蛇之前想改編the red circle 唔知做乜無左件事
宋康昊 2020-2-7 12:34:25

pain and glory韓版poster
宋康昊 2020-2-7 12:47:38 法國洪尚秀啲戲一係短(<90分鐘)一係長(~120分鐘),好少有中間
宋康昊 2020-2-7 12:49:59 下女誘罪果年已經開始講
宋康昊 2020-2-7 22:34:02 在因為疫情影響新片紛紛延期上映的當下,羅美蘭主演的喜劇片《正直的候選人》最終決定如期在12日上映,官方給出的理由是「在如此艱難的情況下,希望能帶給仍在過著平常日子的觀眾們,以及期待看到電影的所有人帶去健康的笑容和力量」。
宋康昊 2020-2-7 22:37:19 樸贊郁新片製作方回應「一切未定」,該作品是樸贊郁正在準備多部作品之一,劇本尚未完成,選角沒開始,要看新作敲定情況再行告知。「 湯唯方面的也有回應:「沒接到劇本或出演邀請,只問過一次日程。」李秉憲經紀公司在去年11月也發表過聲明表示只單純問過日程,也沒有接到這部作品的劇本。
柔道龍虎榜 2020-2-7 23:43:24 Bong Joon Ho is A Genre of One.


Art @PhantomCityCrtv

柔道龍虎榜 2020-2-8 00:09:11 The iconic Park and Kim family homes in #PARASITE were designed and created from scratch on massive stages in Korea.

Over 1,400 VFX were used to bring these environments to life and over 130,000 gallons of water were used to flood the Kims' home in the film’s thrilling climax.




宋康昊 2020-2-8 19:05:01 擔遮女人係咪殺人回憶?
宋康昊 2020-2-8 19:06:34 《倖存者》先行預告-1 BATTLE OF JANGSARI Official HK Trailer-1

Release Date: March 12, 2020

Based on a true story of Jangsari Landing Operation, 772 student soldiers – whose average age was 17 and who received just 2 weeks of boot camp training – were tossed into the Korean War effort in order to pave the way for a bigger battle, Incheon Landing Operation, which turned the tide of war in favor of South Korea.

#金明民、#崔珉豪、#金聖哲 、#金吝勸、#郭時陽、佐治伊茲及美瑾霍絲
Cast : KIM Myung-min / CHOI Min-ho / KIM Sung-cheol / KIM In-kwon / KWAK Si-yang / #GeorgeEADS / and #MeganFOX

Directors : KWAK Kyung-taek, KIM Tae-hun


宋康昊 2020-2-8 19:07:57 vii pillars (專買戰爭片) 竟然買咗呢套
柔道龍虎榜 2020-2-8 22:21:06 應該係
柔道龍虎榜 2020-2-8 22:26:22 當年買嗰套kilo two bravo正撚到
宋康昊 2020-2-9 00:35:10
宋康昊 2020-2-9 00:47:28 呢套鹿特丹電影節上咗,拎咗特別榮譽獎,評價好似唔錯,好期待
宋康昊 2020-2-9 01:00:57 Bong Joon Ho’s Favorite Movies: 30 Films the Director Wants You to See

“The 400 Blows,” Francois Truffaut
“楢山節考,” 今村昌平
“Being John Malkovich,” Spike Jonze
“悲情城市,” 侯孝賢
“X聖治,” 黑澤清
“Fanny and Alexander,” Ingmar Bergman
“Deliverance,” John Boorman
“Fargo,” Joel and Ethan Coen
“The Great Escape,” John Sturges
“下女,” 金綺泳
“赤色殺機,” 今村昌平
“異魚島,” 金綺泳
“Life Is Sweet,” Mike Leigh
“Lola Montes,” Max Ophlus
“Mad Max: Fury Road,” George Miller
“The Man Who Fell to Earth,” Nicolas Roeg
“Midsommar,” Ari Aster
“Nashville,” Robert Altman
“Psycho,” Alfred Hitchcock
“Raging Bull,” Martin Scorsese
“Rushmore,” Wes Anderson
“Seconds,” John Frankenheimer
“The Thing,” John Carpenter
“Things to Come,” William Cameron Menzies
“Touch of Evil,” Orson Welles
“Uncut Gems,” Josh and Benny Safdie
“我要復仇,” 今村昌平
“The Wages of Fear,” Henri-Georges Clouzot
“Wendy and Lucy,” Kelly Reichardt
“Zodiac,” David Fincher

柔道龍虎榜 2020-2-9 01:23:32 想parasite掃哂入圍堆技術獎 多過bp
朴贊郁 2020-2-9 13:36:30
空山舒 2020-2-9 23:31:07 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OlS_iyctbU
宋康昊 2020-2-10 00:16:52 記得佢出道果陣啲人話佢似rain


宋康昊 2020-2-10 00:20:36 佢都拍過幾套張律嘅戲,唔知洪尚秀會唔會搵佢拍下戲
宋康昊 2020-2-10 00:35:13 https://youtu.be/pALyltCd--Y
柔道龍虎榜 2020-2-10 04:22:16 屈穎妍口中既廢青

柔道龍虎榜 2020-2-10 04:59:57 'Parasite' Director Bong Joon-ho Breaks Down the Opening Scene | Vanity Fair

唔知old news左未,原來有條咁既講解