LIHKG 韓國電影集中討論區 (10)
柔道龍虎榜 2020-1-13 14:53:38 做乜鳩


空山舒 2020-1-13 14:58:27

之後奉俊昊回咗句: 咁重要嘅事居然喺小學四年班之前唔知
柔道龍虎榜 2020-1-13 21:36:51 Parasite (production design+editing)
柔道龍虎榜 2020-1-13 21:43:01 And finally, PARASITE is nominated for Best Film! As with all these nominations, it is the first ever Korean film to do so. That gives it a terrific 6 nominations in total. Massive congrats to Director Bong and best of luck for February 9th! #OscarNoms #Oscars2020 #기생충
宋康昊 2020-1-13 21:49:55 真心cls
柔道龍虎榜 2020-1-13 22:08:43
柔道龍虎榜 2020-1-13 22:10:13

柔道龍虎榜 2020-1-13 22:18:54
宋康昊 2020-1-13 22:24:41 覺得會拎best director & international film
宋康昊 2020-1-14 00:40:20 Quote隔離post:

《上流寄生族》: 首部入圍奧斯卡最佳電影同埋最佳外語片嘅韓國電影
奉俊昊: 首位入圍奧斯卡嘅韓國電影導演兼編劇
郭信愛: 首位入圍奧斯卡嘅韓國電影製片人
韓進元: 首位入圍奧斯卡嘅韓國編劇
李河俊&趙元宇: 首位同第二位入圍奧斯卡嘅韓國電影美術指導
楊鎮模: 首位入圍奧斯卡嘅韓國電影剪接師
甘草米 2020-1-14 00:44:41 有排好鐘意睇馬東錫d 戲


宋康昊 2020-1-14 00:58:07 麻麻地佢,而家戲路定晒形 ,成個韓版the rock咁
宋康昊 2020-1-14 18:33:20
宋康昊 2020-1-15 00:51:39 由 #河正宇 監製,與 #金南佶 共同主演新作《The Closet》即將上映!鍾意兩位oppa嘅觀眾記得留意啦!
🚪 #TheCloset 電影預告即將面世🚪

柔道龍虎榜 2020-1-15 13:40:30 河生
柔道龍虎榜 2020-1-15 13:46:00 Bong Joon-ho to me just now re: his nominations for Parasite: "I feel it's like Inception, where soon I'm going to wake up and realize this was all a dream, I'm still in the middle of Parasite and all the equipment is malfunctioning and the catering truck is on fire." @Deadline
柔道龍虎榜 2020-1-15 13:46:32 Director Bong responds to the #bonghive: "I don't have social media, [but] people have been showing me the memes. I'm just grateful for the responses. Although it's fun and enjoyable, for me the priority is to spend my time writing scripts. It's a very lonely place to be."
柔道龍虎榜 2020-1-15 13:50:15 The #Parasite HBO series with @GhostPanther, Director Bong says, will expand the movie. "While I was writing I had so many more ideas I couldn’t convey into the two-hour running time. I knew that if I had a longer running time, I would be able to tell these stories." @DEADLINE

Here's the full Bong Joon-ho story for the #bonghive to chew over:
柔道龍虎榜 2020-1-15 21:16:21 唔知old news左未,義筆容辭上左nowe vod
空山舒 2020-1-17 16:59:05

Sight & Sound today announces the Palme d’Or-winning director Bong Joon Ho as the magazine’s first ever guest editor.

The issue will include a reveal of storyboards from Parasite, a career profile, a personal tribute from Bong to the late South Korean director Kim Kiyoung and his selection of the 20 most exciting up-and-coming directors to watch from around the world.

空山舒 2020-1-17 22:05:19


宋康昊 2020-1-17 22:16:24 轉行做editor
空山舒 2020-1-18 18:29:25

贏咗剪接師公會獎 (劇情組)
宋康昊 2020-1-18 19:53:23 原來尋日係我53碎生日
柔道龍虎榜 2020-1-18 23:48:55 個網係咪未有preorder