Metal Build 討論區 (34) - Crossbone X2 到貨了
雞批BB 2019-12-2 15:17:55



走數真漢子 2019-12-2 15:17:57
肥豬王 2019-12-2 15:18:54
LokTar 2019-12-2 15:20:17 日森開rx 78 未?
尼祿痴線佬 2019-12-2 15:21:05 Hello

Thank you for your message

We apologize for the inconvenience. We will update your status as soon as possible and we will do our best to send your parcel. We apologize again for the delay, but please kindly understand that we will do our best effort to fulfill your request.

Kind Regards
Customer Service
肥豬王 2019-12-2 15:21:19
LokTar 2019-12-2 15:22:24 問佢 : Can it be cancelled as it was not delivered on time?
soon99sad 2019-12-2 15:24:44
肥豬王 2019-12-2 15:25:41
大亂鬥 2019-12-2 15:26:09
肥豬王 2019-12-2 15:26:37


大亂鬥 2019-12-2 15:27:06
FHKHKHK 2019-12-2 15:27:51
FHKHKHK 2019-12-2 15:28:27 原設黎
肥豬王 2019-12-2 15:29:13
尼祿痴線佬 2019-12-2 15:34:41 origin原設係咁
大亂鬥 2019-12-2 15:35:46 其實有無講點解要咁設定
走數真漢子 2019-12-2 15:38:21
肥豬王 2019-12-2 15:39:15
壹柿種的 2019-12-2 15:41:55
LokTar 2019-12-2 15:42:23


肥豬王 2019-12-2 15:43:02
尼祿痴線佬 2019-12-2 15:44:40

雪見だいふく 2019-12-2 15:47:43
靈芝孢子 2019-12-2 16:15:07 唔知有幾多真玩家訂綠渣呢