[LOL] S10 preseason 討論區(517)
婆你呀麼彈彈波 2019-12-1 22:56:33 火龍已經係carry緊果個


前島亜美 2019-12-2 15:32:50 轉會靜到咁
成全之後 2019-12-2 15:39:57 有無話最遲幾時公佈roster
硬件台茶包 2019-12-2 15:48:16 等LPL d 花生 ?(karsa & knight ?)
就算絕望不要失望 2019-12-2 16:25:15 咩世界fofo 都有人搶。。。
妓你老鴇 2019-12-2 16:26:48 真係好靜
2019-12-2 16:28:16 勁過好多人
妓你老鴇 2019-12-2 16:30:20 單憑s9
2019-12-2 16:31:42 唔可以否認lms係好多垃圾
單雙小妹 2019-12-2 17:28:08 Tempt、Zenit、Vsta三名選手加入HLE
成全之後 2019-12-2 17:40:17 Fofo去Lpl應該有中遊水平既我諗


2019-12-2 17:52:57 頂多咪廢過lpl嘅1線韓仔同埋Knight
難以自信 2019-12-2 17:57:40 Chovy Khan lehends係咪等緊cvmax 消息先決定入唔入drx

成全之後 2019-12-2 17:58:07 其實fofo味必夠Maple打
卍解 2019-12-2 17:59:28 真, maple係Lms
秋山深一 2019-12-2 18:04:21

愛里寶寶💋 2019-12-2 18:06:41 依個正
秋山深一 2019-12-2 18:09:38 反觀香港果啲
Falconer 2019-12-2 18:15:34 V5教練話chovy已經住撚左入去Drx宿舍
秋山深一 2019-12-2 18:21:17 Jackeylove's salary offers are gargantuan, and will almost certainly leave IG. He has yet to officially sign a contract (contrary to the reports that Suning is already a sure thing).

Karsa has already signed with a team, awaiting public announcement.

Xiye has tried out for at least 3 teams but still has yet to officially sign.

Many teams made a ton of preparations for this offseason, but the trio of edg/rng/we to this day have not obtained the players that they desire.

IG will be promoting a trainee adc for next season.

They do not have insider info about khan.

FW adc betty will come to the lpl and has already found a team.

Smlz has not officially signed yet (a lot of netizens speculating OMG return).

FPX is likely to make changes to toplane next season, gimgoon might want to still play though.

SofM has already signed with a team

Suning has a supremely talented trainee toplaner, during the pre worlds bootcamp, he annihilated and tilted TheShy, Gimgoon, and Langxing on a consistent basis in scrims.

The three griffin players will likely be staying in lck.

Maple will stay in lpl.

No chance uzi leaves rng, whether he has other plans (rumors of roleswapping, retirement etc) is up in the air.

Clearlove felt he could maintain form last year, but according to fireloli he was terrible in scrims this year, is there a possibility he might convert to coach? this has been discussed for a half year already.

What Vici has been missing is a good coach, but according to league rules, if vici tanks again next year they risk being removed from the lpl.

TES will run a full chinese roster next year, possibly promoting ldl botlane (photic and yuyuanjia).
妓你老鴇 2019-12-2 18:34:07 依段係翻譯cat同remember講嘅野?


秋山深一 2019-12-2 18:43:57
on9王 2019-12-2 19:42:52 sofm會唔會俾人重金帶返vcs
Google男 2019-12-2 20:11:55 official) Lehends joins #HLE #LoL #LCK
阿克婭 2019-12-2 20:12:44 hle lehends