[CW] Supergirl/Batwoman/Black Lightning/Arrow/Flash/LoT討論區
EuphonaPrime 2019-12-6 15:41:30 不嬲西


我有大大奶 2019-12-6 16:02:38 其實寫到佢咁西
挽撚完公司 2019-12-6 19:02:34 搞到憎埋個演員先誇張
帶土8500中聖女 2019-12-6 20:10:39 mia準備出spin off?
葉子誠 2019-12-6 21:33:57 係 好似連埋canaries一齊
羅本多情 2019-12-6 22:03:38 又係女權片
豆奶特濃 2019-12-6 22:20:37 好睇就得
羅本多情 2019-12-6 22:45:25 有thea 就好
純白鎮小智(神奧) 2019-12-6 23:02:10 明珠台咁快播sg s5
寇仲_ 2019-12-7 00:28:41 不嬲都跟得好貼
三玖寶寶 2019-12-7 04:25:41 唔洗諗,佢唔會拍


葉子誠 2019-12-7 08:52:07 唔知點解唔肯播arrow
史蒂芬(隊長) 2019-12-7 09:00:05 So dark
純白鎮小智(神奧) 2019-12-7 09:02:27
老人與眼 2019-12-7 10:22:00 正可以摸到SG大脾
Ollie 2019-12-7 11:22:31 想一次過睇晒一至五集

大西藍子 2019-12-7 12:54:28 此回覆已被刪除
大西藍子 2019-12-7 12:54:49 此回覆已被刪除
挽撚完公司 2019-12-7 14:14:18 係頭2季姐,之後3,4開始差
Alex_Daddario 2019-12-7 14:50:18 明珠台播crossover啲觀眾咪睇到一頭霧水,arrow唔知幾耐冇播,Lot直頭冇播過
日夜 2019-12-7 15:55:05 有無人真係會喺電視睇


_uranium_ 2019-12-7 16:02:59 而家flash做到第幾季,我以前睇到第三季冇睇,嗰時已經好多人話佢西,點知去到而家都仲係西
auscc 2019-12-7 16:37:34 第六季。
Alex_Daddario 2019-12-7 16:50:22 Guggenheim: You know, to be honest with you, because I never want to lie on these things, that was … yeah, I actually did … we did reach out to Nic Cage.
I’ll tell you one thing, we reached out to a lot of people, and there were people who didn’t want to do it. There were people who would only do it for amounts of money that we could not ever afford. And there were other people who really wanted to do it, but couldn’t for scheduling. That was the case with a lot of, I have to say, the movie stars that we reached out to. The thing about movie stars is, they’re all shooting movies. And unless those movies are shooting in Vancouver, we’re kind of out of luck.
Damian_W 2019-12-7 16:52:27 og動畫Superman