鞋字半邊難 2019-11-14 18:55:28 你好, 我借5成, 申請左4間銀行,
其中一間(HSBC)初步批左, 而家催我過去分行開戶口同埋搞埋d手續,
我好唔好直接同HSBC講話我其實考慮緊幾間銀行既offer ? 咁直接會唔會影響佢地最終批核?


birdz 2019-11-14 19:20:10 無追post 唔好意思。
kklk 2019-11-15 11:06:21 10月中申請左創X, 工行同支行

暫時得工行出左OFFER 要我下星期一前覆 (問過唔比EXTEND)
支行就話應該今日/ 聽日會出OFFER
創X今日打去下催, 話要下星期尾先

而家想等埋創X因為申請果時格價個RATE最靚 (低工行0.1%)
大吟釀 2019-11-16 01:52:59 唔比extend咪唔好借囉 聽佢吹水
教育處男同事 2019-11-16 10:22:16
kklk 2019-11-16 13:32:26 真係好大牌
IT方丈 2019-11-16 13:52:22
教育處男同事 2019-11-16 15:24:34
脆香雞翼飲雪梨茶 2019-11-16 19:19:12 唔知而家做轉按,中銀仲有冇1.5%回呢?
電話投注專員 2019-11-16 20:27:01 想問如果星期一開始申請,大約2月會唔會批到
400幾萬樓 借8成5
kklk 2019-11-16 23:18:23 中銀CAP幾多?


Nasu蠢蛋 2019-11-17 00:05:02 請問巴打買幾多萬既樓, 咁快批?
人球仔 2019-11-17 00:54:57 新措施後有冇批過過8百萬既樓借足720萬既情況?
但願人長9 2019-11-17 07:36:01 點樣check tu 係最快
但願人長9 2019-11-17 07:37:33 請問icbc 乜offer?
大大力吸啜 2019-11-17 22:57:41 樓主 我抽左新樓 唔夠首期要借發展商二按 4月前要上會成交 現職份工做左年半但想轉工(預計下一份人工同公司規模將會差唔多)希望1月辭職2月番新工 借問聲我咁既情況去申請按揭有咩需要注意? (例如我轉工會唔會搞到上唔到會?係咪新工一定要夠3個月糧單先得?)
prokofiev 2019-11-18 00:34:34 My friend Joe lives in Hawaii. He loves gardening. In his front garden he planted a litchi tree, a mango tree, a chestnut oak, a black maple, a red maple and bushes in the lawn. Some of the bushes produce beautiful flute-shaped flowers. He also grew flowers such as roses, orchids, lavender, violets, hydrangeas and sunflowers which are in full bloom. There're some exquisite flowerpots placed near the lawn as decoration. He mows the grass every now and then. He hires a gardener to manicure his garden from time to time. His back garden is enormous which is two thousand five hundred square foot in size. It used to be a lawn but he turned it into a meadow that is blanketed in wild flowers and exotic flowers. Some of the flower buds haven't opened yet but as the weather gets warmer the flowers open. Even inside his house he has a vase of hydrangea and a few potted plants, some of which are just coming into bloom. Orchids can be cultivated in vases or flower pots.In summer the meadow is covered with beautiful summer flowers. In spring lovely spring flowers bloom in the meadow. In the fall, the meadow is a mass of pretty fall flowers. In winter the meadow is blanketed with beautiful winter flowers. It's an extraordinary garden. He buys a bouquet of red roses, hydrangea and sunflowers for his girlfriend every valentine's day. They're pretty cut flowers. Some women seem to bloom in their early-thirties. For example Tracy has bloomed into an utterly beautiful creature. She's an estate agent who warns a basic salary of three hundred thousand dollars per annum plus an eleven percent commission on every deal she makes so she doesn't work by commission only. So far this year her sales have failed to live up to the expectations of the company partly because the economy is hardly blooming. I enjoy strolling hand in hand with my girlfriend along the nearby beach. In fact I took a leisurely stroll there earlier. With only myvthoughts for company I lay down on the beach reading a book. It felt thoroughly enjoyable.
kklk 2019-11-18 11:03:54 4.5M
Interest rate: h+1.24%, cap at p-2.9%
Cash rebate: ~1.42%
教育處男同事 2019-11-18 13:37:12
教育處男同事 2019-11-18 13:37:34
水長流 2019-11-19 13:25:48


雪豹 2019-11-19 15:47:26
水長流 2019-11-19 15:50:33
櫻囡 2019-11-19 15:50:38
-後來的我們- 2019-11-19 15:55:17 多謝樓主!擔保人是否一定要有血緣關係?