一拳定江山 2020-1-4 11:49:08 一般計人工 如果借六成計 就兩年稅單/2

如果你諗住高成數按 加老底就無乜需要concern


臭臭567 2020-1-4 11:57:31 想買550萬左右既樓 借9成月入要幾多先借到?唔該博士另外 如果月入差少少按揭會唔會有機會批
王牛羊 2020-1-4 12:00:48 如果唔夠5成出租,又比銀行問攞水電煤單咁點算?
淫閱兩臀圓 2020-1-4 12:02:22 50000+
一拳定江山 2020-1-4 12:05:25 有無E statement
淫閱兩臀圓 2020-1-4 12:06:52 no. 林鄭policy for 2手樓。

or 發展商借,兩年後轉銀行就要4成錢。
王牛羊 2020-1-4 12:09:54 Ching.....單位租左比人,水電煤單已轉了人地名,咩e statement ah......
一拳定江山 2020-1-4 12:10:25 係 For現樓
一拳定江山 2020-1-4 13:23:54
禁慾大使 2020-1-4 14:37:23
禁慾大使 2020-1-4 14:37:43


prokofiev 2020-1-4 15:16:04 My friend Amy has a mansion in the peak district. In the front garden she planted a litchi tree, a mango tree, a chestnut oak, a black maple, a red maple and bushes in the lawn. Some of the bushes produce lovely trumpet-shaped flowers. She also grew flowers such as roses, violets, sunflowers, lavender, hydrangeas and orchids, most of which are in bloom. There're some exquisite vases placed near the lawn as decoration. She mows the lawn every now and then. She manicures the garden from time to time. Her back garden is enormous which is two thousand five hundred square foot in size. It used to be a lawn but she turned it into a meadow blanketed in wild flowers and exotic flowers. some of the flower buds haven't opened yet buy as the weather gets warmer the flowers open. Inside her house she even has a vase of hydrangea and a few plotted plants, some of which are just coming into bloom. Orchids can be cultivated in vases or flower pots. In the summer beautiful summer flowers bloom in the meadow. In the spring the meadow is blanketed with pretty spring flowers. In autumn the meadow is covered in lovely autumn flowers. In winter it's a mass of beautiful winter flowers. It's an extraordinary garden. Amy's boyfriend buys her a bouquet of red roses and hydrangea every valentine's day. They're pretty cut flowers. Her new chairs are covered by protective plastic sheeting. Her sofa is covered with plastic wrappings. Seventy one percent of the earth's surface is covered by water. On Mars twenty percent of its atmosphere is covered with carbon monoxide while thorry percent is covered by carbon dioxide. Yesterday Amy and I went to the museum where we looked at every single nineteenth-century oil painting in minute detail so as not to miss any wonderful things. She threw a party in a hotel rather than at her home the day before yesterday so as not to bother her neighboring homeowners.
一拳定江山 2020-1-4 15:24:20 係睇首次入伙日 開始計幾多年

吹沙入屎眼 2020-1-4 15:54:02 想問下見到有啲元朗錦田村屋200-300萬有冇伏
果啲盤可以做到幾多按 我得80萬首期
夜來豐乳猩 2020-1-4 16:00:59
撕bra達人 2020-1-4 18:54:38 其實多唔多人加借按保?
單身狗大哂 2020-1-5 09:39:40 想問下中銀批左按揭申請,佢話如果最後決定唔搵佢地做按揭,要罰我地錢,請問係唔係真?可以咁樣?
一拳定江山 2020-1-5 10:39:45 簽左offer letter 唔要就罰 無簽無事
文明猿人 2020-1-5 10:44:10 幾時開始加返現金回饋。依加1%好小。。有無得加返上2
Chris91 2020-1-5 10:53:04 請問freelancer,多數現金出糧,有交稅,淨係得稅單做收入證明做唔做到按揭?
一拳定江山 2020-1-5 11:00:01 按揭係蝕本生意 我都想佢加返


人球仔 2020-1-5 11:45:15 博士你好!

一拳定江山 2020-1-5 11:52:24 新制高成數按 你無得套現
ckwinter 2020-1-5 12:24:47 銀行會做蝕本生意?賺得未夠多咋
香港人,加油 2020-1-5 12:29:48 係咪供款銀行唔好用同一間銀行出糧? 如果用Current A/C供款,Saving 出糧得唔得。