2020/21 英國master討論區
S106 2019-12-23 20:12:47 Town planner or Urban Designer


S106 2019-12-23 20:18:31
Econometrics 2019-12-23 20:51:14 試下冇壞 輸咗最多咪幾十鎊
我與我分開已很遠 2019-12-28 11:01:02 我chem second up都想試ucl cs master

有個專for non-cs background 希望會收

但personal statement 無咩寫
喵婆婆 2019-12-28 11:08:36 月中報咗UCL MSc 文社科搏吓
Gay0小和尚 2019-12-29 04:37:04 係英國russell grp
長空萬里 2019-12-29 09:34:19 依科好少econ, business野多 有frd讀過 基本上係買cert
我與我分開已很遠 2019-12-31 01:05:10 想問下如果有program min. requirement 係 first hon., 我second up報唔報黎當搏多個機會好, 定會直接screen走可以直慳返幾百
Econometrics 2019-12-31 01:56:39 你同first 差幾遠先? high 2.1 就去馬喇
Econometrics 2019-12-31 01:57:46 搏輸都係幾百 唔搏成世都會後悔
我與我分開已很遠 2020-1-1 01:30:11 我應該都唔算近
我gpa係 3.23/4.3,
3.5先有first hon,
3.0 upper second



最憎食羊肉 2020-1-1 13:51:48 唔好嘥錢

memes 2020-1-1 16:34:42 點解咁講
最憎食羊肉 2020-1-1 21:15:47 如果你係對British School IPE有興趣
加上IR Dept有心既教授走得七七八八
memes 2020-1-2 05:10:44 你個陣係邊個program架
最憎食羊肉 2020-1-2 11:24:51 IPE
memes 2020-1-2 19:37:12 介唔介意講下undergrad既background
最憎食羊肉 2020-1-3 10:20:27 文科撚,三大first hon
memes 2020-1-4 05:20:16 麻煩介唔介意留個tg比我問下問題

最憎食羊肉 2020-1-4 18:43:54
Econometrics 2020-1-4 23:02:26 你ug 數底點先?


我與我分開已很遠 2020-1-5 06:21:11 呢兩日搞緊PS, 頭都大啊!!!
差PS就可以Submit application
我與我分開已很遠 2020-1-5 06:29:13 upper second Bsc Chem -> Msc CS / IT
決定左報 Imperial, UCL, glasgow, bath, bristol, birmingham
(+ nottingham, liverpool?)

我與我分開已很遠 2020-1-6 12:31:30 無人討論既, 大家都搞掂哂?

btw 有問題想問問, UCL personal statement 果度咁寫

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If you wish to include text longer than this please upload your supplementary personal statement using the buttons below instead. Please note that if you upload a supplementary personal statement any information added to the text box will not be stored.

如果我揀自己upload, up份差唔多5000 characters既會唔會好過份?
王陽明 2020-1-6 17:22:02