L’Arc~en~Ciel 討論區 TOUR MMXX 開催決定
寶井_秀人 2020-2-25 13:49:31 仲去唔去好


(SIC) 2020-2-25 13:53:03 [超核爆] 福岡20歲確診女性 病發前13日曾睇concert
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
小心呀巴打 唔好搵命駁
會打扮的毒撚 2020-2-25 20:03:52 星期五飛...已決定唔去
MM_XX 2020-2-25 21:11:32 去。未死4月再上黎傾過
uroboros 2020-2-26 01:01:20 我都cancel咗
好灰 喊到痴線
SellmySoul 2020-2-26 01:08:14 代代木見
MM_XX 2020-2-26 02:45:23 唔係話乜 不過唔見得香港安全過日本
唯一擔心係酒店 唯有消毒晒清晒先訓落去
吉高花子 2020-2-26 15:09:32 我決定放棄代代木last day 問緊ticket board有冇得refund
MM_XX 2020-2-26 16:03:49 有機全部取消 快d公布啦
寶井_秀人 2020-2-26 16:10:59 Perfume Tokyo dome 已取消
吉高花子 2020-2-26 16:29:06 Ticketboard 咁覆我

Thank you for inquiring.
This is ticket board information center.

We have been already contacted from you before, but we are sorry for taking time to reply.
We'll respond to you this week regarding a refund, please wait for a while.


吉高花子 2020-2-26 16:33:44 補link

酸酸咪咪 2020-2-26 16:35:40 已經退咗飛
吉高花子 2020-2-26 16:37:53 我等咗好耐再睇瞳の住人live
勇武bro 2020-2-26 18:46:08 All cancelled 😭😭😭😭😭
勇武bro 2020-2-26 18:46:52
寶井_秀人 2020-2-26 18:47:16
吉高花子 2020-2-26 19:03:53 啱啱ticket board都覆咗

Thank you for using ticket board.

Today, in accordance with the policy announced by the government on new coronavirus infectious diseases, we have decided to cancel the following four performances after giving top priority to the safety of our guests.

February 28th(Fri), 2020【Kanagawa】Yokohama Arena
February 29th(Sat), 2020【Kanagawa】Yokohama Arena
Mar 4th(Wed),2020【Tokyo】Yoyogi National Stadium 1st Gymnasium
Mar 5th(Thu),2020【Tokyo】Yoyogi National Stadium 1st Gymnasium

As a result, LIVE VIEWING, which is scheduled to be held on the same day, will be cancelled.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to the many people who were looking forward to the performance, but we have made this decision in order to stop the spread of infection, so we ask for your understanding.

We will inform you again about the refund.
We apologize for the short notice and ask for your understanding.
SellmySoul 2020-2-26 19:16:40
勇武bro 2020-2-26 19:20:13 好想聽time slip 同all year live 😭
風の行方 2020-2-26 19:20:48


SellmySoul 2020-2-26 19:22:32 咁辛苦先等到阿姐批我個假
uroboros 2020-2-26 19:29:37 唯有期待下次啦


諗住可以去戲院睇直播 點知都冇埋

茶走少煉奶 2020-2-26 19:41:30
MM_XX 2020-2-26 19:49:33