LIHKG 【美國感恩節】感謝美國節Black Friday
呀女個老豆 2019-11-1 00:23:15 就黎搬新屋, 係時候要考慮買返部Dyson 吸塵機

另外仲諗緊搬屋有咩其他野可以趁black friday 買
暫時未諗到, 巴打有冇好提議


唔好掛住返工 2019-11-1 00:23:34 上年係枕頭加電動牙刷
未長大 2019-11-1 00:23:56 Parent organization: Hangzhou New Century Information Technology Co., Ltd.

劃火柴犬 2019-11-1 00:25:01 LM
一塵不染 2019-11-1 00:27:27
性價比之王 2019-11-1 00:29:25 LM

吾業坤 2019-11-1 00:30:11 叫佢提早1111搞啦
食過番尋味 2019-11-1 00:30:37 連登枕用家留名
堂諾川浦 2019-11-1 00:31:59 建議大搞爆買美國貨行動,需要文宣廣傳,叫人買完美國貨之後影相/cap 圖up上twitter reddit 表示香港人感謝美國聲援,而且香港係少數美國享有貿易順差嘅地方,對美國經濟係有正面影響嘅
堂諾川浦 2019-11-1 00:33:43 建議大搞爆買美國貨行動,需要文宣廣傳,叫人買完美國貨之後影相/cap 圖up上twitter reddit 表示香港人感謝美國聲援,而且香港係少數美國享有貿易順差嘅地方,對美國經濟係有正面影響嘅
KangGary 2019-11-1 00:35:51 留名
蟹柳 2019-11-1 00:37:15 上年都買左幾樣野 今年想買衫褲鞋
胡文 2019-11-1 00:37:23 推啦
拉拉手制 2019-11-1 00:39:40 你果陣唔洗集運

蟹柳 2019-11-1 00:39:45 我又係買左kindle同ub kindle就間唔中睇 ub好正wo 買大半碼fit size 不過爛爛地 可能買多對 真係好好著
花見小路 2019-11-1 00:40:13 farfetch
A-小姐 2019-11-1 00:42:52 唔知運動手錶有無平 想買隻玩下
堂諾川浦 2019-11-1 00:43:01 U.S.-Hong Kong Trade Facts

Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. It operates as a separate customs territory.

U.S. goods and services trade with Hong Kong totaled an estimated $66.9 billion in 2018. Exports were $50.1 billion; imports were $16.8 billion. The U.S. goods and services trade surplus with Hong Kong was $33.4 billion in 2018.

Hong Kong is currently our 21st largest goods trading partner with $43.6 billion in total (two way) goods trade during 2018. Goods exports totaled $37.3 billion; goods imports totaled $6.3 billion. The U.S. goods trade surplus with Hong Kong was $31.0 billion in 2018.

Trade in services with Hong Kong (exports and imports) totaled an estimated $23.3 billion in 2018. Services exports were $12.8 billion; services imports were $10.5 billion. The U.S. services trade surplus with Hong Kong was $2.3 billion in 2018.

According to the Department of Commerce, U.S. exports of Goods and Services to Hong Kong supported an estimated 188 thousand jobs in 2015 (latest data available) (125 thousand supported by goods exports and 63 thousand supported by services exports).

大家要大搞爆買美貨行動,share買咗嘅美國貨上twitter/reddit,以實際行動支持美國經濟,感謝美國stand with Hong Kong


在水一方 2019-11-1 00:44:12 LM<
FatFatCat 2019-11-1 00:46:25 我係美國巴打,大家可以搵我幫手寄/買,我唔會收大家錢。大家只要捐一百俾星火。
17歲(毒男) 2019-11-1 00:48:17 112
維民所止 2019-11-1 00:52:13 連續兩年Black friday都買左鞋
七舊水adidas ultraboost

雖然都係大路野 不過平過街買唔少