見習航空交通管制主任SATCO 2019
金金火 2020-4-22 19:15:14 已經in左?幾時有interview email?


最壞凱婷的表哥 2020-4-22 19:42:24 同問
太迪熊熊 2020-4-22 19:44:49 係唔係之前in呀 幾星期前先話freeze咗
mnmnmnmn 2020-4-22 19:45:50 此回覆已被刪除
程高志遠 2020-4-26 11:29:12 應該係啦,之前in過係asian坐board
金金火 2020-4-26 20:19:47 咁即係未有消息啦
金金火 2020-5-4 14:36:25 請問有回音未呢?
FFF111 2020-5-5 14:59:53 seems no
走唔出你大脾罅 2020-5-12 14:00:18 收到email話delay interview

不一樣的男子 2020-5-12 14:05:50 收到 +1
Ramsay.Bolton 2020-5-12 14:13:29 咪即係Delay 可以點


拉娜絲打 2020-5-12 14:18:19 Due to the novel coronavirus outbreak in Hong Kong, the normal SATCO recruitment exercise has been delayed. The dates of next stage of selection exercise could not be confirmed at the moment.
Dean 2020-5-12 14:21:30
成半年後先send黎 仲要冇講過任何野
你咬我入呀 2020-5-12 14:26:06 仲要連你入唔入到下round都唔講
口罩富戶 2020-5-12 14:28:02 係咪個個都有?

圓木梨棚 2020-5-12 14:35:35 此回覆已被刪除
巳氏志 2020-5-12 14:40:00 收唔到係咪等於冇下round in?
太迪熊熊 2020-5-12 15:01:54 應該個個都有?
春風化雨•盧文達 2020-5-12 15:09:43 此回覆已被刪除
噢嘉年華 2020-5-12 15:20:03 有無人收唔到email?
金金火 2020-5-12 15:21:09 咁aoo呢,有無消息


POPO打手 2020-5-12 15:42:11 同問
太迪熊熊 2020-5-12 15:43:18 有人收唔到?
集合啦波多野結衣 2020-5-12 15:57:16 唔似喎
探索世界沒煩憂 2020-5-12 15:59:17 yes