爆肝達人 2019-12-30 21:53:27 當時我都係咁諗, 夠竟私樓好定白居二好, 但最尾都係用左白居二個資格上車, 樓齡大過25年的確要拎四成首期出黎, 但對比返20年樓齡以下果D做比較, 樓價比較合理D
我同我太太兩邊家人都係向將軍澳住, 而且計劃會生BB, 所以睇完咁多區既居屋之後最尾都係揀返將軍澳, 方便比四大長老湊孫
今年年頭寶盈富康最底層細單位未補都做緊500幾萬, 但我揀返樓齡舊D既坑口居屋400萬左右就可以買到三房高層約600實呎既單位, 對我黎講值得去博一博, 返正個單位都係自住唔賣, 留返比下一代, 而當時同區私樓樓價, 細單位入場費最少都要530萬起, 三房最少要成800幾900萬, 單位個大細, 家庭成員有無私人空間呢樣野真係好重要, 我有諗過住村屋, 但係對村屋按揭, 丁權, 法津責任唔熟所以放棄左

SO FAR住左居屋幾個月, 有樣野比私樓好既就係管理費平

(果時差唔多十八區睇哂咁滯, 20年以下既盤又少, 賣價貴到離哂地)


賈圖 2019-12-30 21:55:00 除左公屋,居屋應該好難有
今晚食宵夜 2019-12-30 22:31:59
prokofiev 2019-12-30 23:24:20 My friend Fuyuki lives there. He'll be giving a birthday party at his place tomorrow but alas I can't attend as I got work to do. When he invited me at first I said "I'll see" He's making the most elaborate preparations for the party. My brother asked "How are the party preparations going?" Joe is assisting with the party preparations. Pete is also assisting in making preparations for the party. Fuyuki and a couple of his friends are sharing the preparation between them so it isn't too much work. Happy birthday Fuyuki! I'm sure your friends will join me in wishing you a very happy birthday. Last year he got me a massage chair for my birthday. I remember I said "I can't believe you got me a massage chair" It didn't come cheap. Ken has accepted a commission to write an article on Picasso for an art magazine. He's doing research in preparation for the article. His girlfriend is assisting in the preparation of the research. His favourite fighter Dan will be fighting Chris in April for the heavyweight title. Championships like this require proper preparation. The poster and the promo video are in preparation. Dan is doing careful preparation for the fight as he didn't perform well in his last match because he did no preparation. Chris didn't seem to have done much preparation for his last fight too. He almost lost the match so this time he's doing meticulous preparation for it including grappling, wrestling, judo and kickboxing as well as cardiovascular training. Sparring regularly is ideal preparation for a match like this. You cannot fight a high level fighter in a championship without adequate preparation. My friend Jane is making preparations for her ski trip to Tokyo. She's also making preparations to meet her favourite band X Japan in Osaka. So she's preoccupied with these preparations. Preparations are being made for next month's ski festival in Tokyo. The organisations and the institutions who organise this ski festival have announced that preparations for it are well under way.
哪有錢你老母 2019-12-30 23:46:46
吉澤明步驚雲 2019-12-31 09:57:19 有無人知交完錢要幾耐先會有購買証?
YukSum 2019-12-31 10:40:37 上年拎住個白居二證睇完樓都係呢個諗法,屌政府當年停起居屋令到有個好大斷層出現,d業主個個當自己間居屋係寶咁(特別20年內果d),最後放棄左白居二轉左去私樓
持白卡人士 2019-12-31 10:40:50 幫你搵左,
屯門之前悅湖山莊都做到280萬 400尺綠表

賈圖 2019-12-31 10:59:41 借唔到9成
人間有愛2.0 2019-12-31 11:25:01 10日
hkhoc927 2019-12-31 12:27:14 交完錢,佢俾你揀即日或郵寄拎證



功能為自動 2019-12-31 12:32:45 好奇一問 巴打有冇入手?
人間有愛2.0 2019-12-31 12:38:22 好似今年改左 只可以郵寄
30天可改名2次 2019-12-31 12:46:04 no
爆肝達人 2019-12-31 13:04:47 問: 想問下如果搵白居二既樓盤會唔會同綠表白居二申請者搵既樓盤有唔同?
答: 其實白表同綠表白居二申請者搵既樓盤大家都係一樣, 要搵未補地價既樓盤 (即係綠表盤)

問: 同埋搵樓盤個陣有冇話一定係跟房屋署網頁上面列明既二手樓盤先買得? 因為我見網上面有D賣樓既網頁上面都係賣緊白居二盤但係好似個屋苑係冇list係房署個網頁上面,同埋有D盤仲會寫咩綠表價
答: 要, 你睇緊邊個屋苑, 你再CHECK多次穩陣, 正常寫左個綠表價果D盤一定係未補地價既盤黎, 可以用白居二資格購買

問: 咁姐係有白表價? 定白表唔買得? 呢樣野搞到我好亂
答: 你見到有D單位寫住綠表價同時又寫埋個白表價出黎, 你淨係睇個綠表價就得, 個白表價唔洗理, 個白表價係比自由市場買家睇, 如果個盤淨係得白表價無綠表價既話, 即係個單位已經補左地價向自由市場放售, 你唔可以用白居二資格購買
Moondropz 2019-12-31 13:07:43 明白晒,唔該晒ching
A朗拿度 2019-12-31 13:11:41 此回覆已被刪除
多肉妹妹 2019-12-31 13:13:39 即拎都要等4個鐘以上
怕痕 2019-12-31 13:22:08 上晝等到下晝
早知等掛號算 又唔係急住簽臨約
傻奶芝 2019-12-31 14:04:56 早知我等下喇,唔知可以即攞
負碌柒仔 2019-12-31 14:29:02 上年白居二買家
所以 鯉安,愉翠,嘉峰臺同埋聽人講錦豐係有2008左右開始計既,當時唔知兜兜轉轉,白行左好多路

而公屋係首次賣入日期計 15年內先做到925







隻煍糖 2019-12-31 14:36:42 即拎係交比邊個?唔使入箱?
hkhoc927 2019-12-31 14:58:49 有,買左將軍澳區25年9按。
hkhoc927 2019-12-31 15:02:53 另外,分享多少少。
多肉妹妹 2019-12-31 15:16:32 可以入箱之後等佢寄返俾你