2020 Summer Internship / Placement (2)
Ahhhahhahaha 2019-11-19 16:11:09


ChrolloLucilfer 2019-11-19 16:30:37
Ahhhahhahaha 2019-11-19 16:33:40
ChrolloLucilfer 2019-11-19 16:37:56
Ly 2019-11-19 16:59:12 P&G已經俾咗offer
手撕雞手卷 2019-11-19 17:10:35
Ly 2019-11-19 17:13:32 上個星期已經出咗 second in完 聽日喺welcoming day
新垣結衣(失業) 2019-11-19 18:01:31 How about pg graduate job?
手撕雞手卷 2019-11-19 18:30:11 reject email都無 咩消息都無 係咪可以死心
我爸是林奠 2019-11-19 19:06:11 上個星期d interview唔係reschedule左咩...
磁力王 2019-11-19 22:26:00


陸微 2019-11-19 22:49:06 此回覆已被刪除
Ahhhahhahaha 2019-11-19 23:04:14
磁力王 2019-11-19 23:06:03
Ahhhahhahaha 2019-11-19 23:08:12
磁力王 2019-11-19 23:09:25
Ahhhahhahaha 2019-11-19 23:51:58
Jujuchu 2019-11-20 01:07:11 係所有division 都出左?
睇肉堂 2019-11-20 02:45:15 any news of hkma winter internship?
聯合組爸 2019-11-20 06:41:00 Hey there! Received as well
Liluzivert 2019-11-20 07:56:35 Recieved interview


睇肉堂 2019-11-20 09:09:25 when apply and receive?
lmaoo 2019-11-20 09:14:35 hsbc cmb ac released?
kcc234567 2019-11-20 10:11:13 有冇人知HSBC Coop過左man in 如果比人reject 嘅話會5會收到notification?
天空中的小鳥 2019-11-20 10:23:13 可以打去問問Hr