2020 Summer Internship / Placement (2)
Sarpreet.Singh 2019-11-8 19:26:05 有無巴打報customer-facing technology 有消息


Sarpreet.Singh 2019-11-8 19:38:36

手撕雞手卷 2019-11-8 20:27:07 巴打幾時收到
Sarpreet.Singh 2019-11-8 20:50:01 啱先姐,應該仲會繼續出既
kcc234567 2019-11-8 21:03:26 有無人知HSBC Coop 通常man-in完之後幾時出offer?我等左2個星期,send 埋email問hr都無回覆,係咪收得皮??
記你老豆老母 2019-11-8 21:44:18
Wouldyou 2019-11-8 22:59:51 How abt sales pillar? Released job hack invitation as well?
大學生(掙扎中) 2019-11-8 23:38:37 What dept
蛋包散抄翻多反 2019-11-8 23:40:11 Tech?
記你老豆老母 2019-11-8 23:50:39
紅色鯉魚娘娘 2019-11-8 23:52:38 有無人知HASE winter coop cmb phone in 完幾耐會有通知manager in


kcc234567 2019-11-9 00:08:13 Risk
社科乞食之鬼 2019-11-9 00:11:24 For EY Spring Intern Application... HR sent me an email for the document list while I haven't even submitted my application in the portal. (Is it normal?) Was not planning to do the internship anyway though due to exchange... the thing I found it weird is that I just made a draft application without inputting stuff in it and suddenly they sent me an email
AmandaSeyfreid 2019-11-9 05:36:28 無sponsor機票?
Abbcwotag 2019-11-9 11:09:15 Corporate Analyst
我爸是林奠 2019-11-9 11:24:28
謝振中國 2019-11-9 11:35:05
睇肉堂 2019-11-9 12:50:27 有無人收到HKMA Winter通知?
Blackhorse 2019-11-9 13:00:56 2-3 week
Sarpreet.Singh 2019-11-9 15:09:54 琴日
happybun 2019-11-9 15:30:37 未:( 開始左?


睇肉堂 2019-11-9 16:08:23 唔知,所以問
中魔女 2019-11-9 16:54:21 想問hsbc summer intern做完job simulation幾耐就會想result


叉差cha 2019-11-9 18:46:30 其實已經出緊offer。。
松雪 2019-11-9 18:53:18