[突發有片] 十幾人凌晨闖入民居企圖爆竊
金鐘m記 2019-10-22 09:50:45 係呀
即係好多人話龍門球證又係佢 有鬼用
但係唔好怕事要告9 班狗呀!!!


Takahelo 2019-10-22 09:51:03 此回覆已被刪除
時代革左命 2019-10-22 09:52:13 打劫?
熊仔頭痛 2019-10-22 09:52:27 痴撚線好撚驚
WhatTimeIsIt 2019-10-22 09:52:51 Police State
柒頭終結者 2019-10-22 09:55:56 呢啲情況就攞刀啦,又冇搜查令又冇證,成班人衝入屋直接當佢地係賊就得,攞定刀,佢地試圖掂你野就斬鳩佢就得。上到庭實打得甩,人數極唔對等,要自衛迫於無奈要攞武器,加上條片班狗係開埋房門,保護家人心切警告後都唔離開唯有斬落佢到。
在下板本神 2019-10-22 09:56:30
奇怪嗎 2019-10-22 09:57:13 肯定冇搜查令?fc左先
移除下體裝置 2019-10-22 09:57:31 屌你老母公安都會著制服,呢班便衣無NO.成班賊入屋打劫
未算遲 2019-10-22 10:00:58 港式公安😡
鳥出驚人 2019-10-22 10:01:01 痴撚線


阿晶想旅行 2019-10-22 10:04:19 Push
建寧 2019-10-22 10:05:16 真係痴晒線
夏二十 2019-10-22 10:05:54 要求國際刑警介入調查
清蒸popo夢 2019-10-22 10:06:05 點都可以爭取時間call 傳媒,藏/棄玩具
翻牆ge豬都係豬 2019-10-22 10:06:08 拍片人ge原文

12 plus, so called “officers” barged into my house and claimed that they had asked for permission.

Banged my bedroom door. Woke my wife and I up from sleep and I have university early tomorrow.

My grandma was sleeping in the other room. They just opened her bedroom door without asking and went inside.

They disrespected my family continuously.

I requested them to to take off their shoes. But they needed to keep their “safety” and ignored my request.

They didn’t show me their badges. They said they will arrest me for stalling their “investigation”.

All I asked was for them to please take off their shoes and this is how I get treated

Edit: At the end of this , towards the end, a few showed some of their “badges”. And a few had the decently to show me some form of respect.

II once looked up to them.

no manners #hkpolice #mannersNoMore #pleaseEducateYourOfficers #
ChillnDab 2019-10-22 10:06:15 此回覆已被刪除
翻牆ge豬都係豬 2019-10-22 10:06:19 拍片人ge原文

12 plus, so called “officers” barged into my house and claimed that they had asked for permission.

Banged my bedroom door. Woke my wife and I up from sleep and I have university early tomorrow.

My grandma was sleeping in the other room. They just opened her bedroom door without asking and went inside.

They disrespected my family continuously.

I requested them to to take off their shoes. But they needed to keep their “safety” and ignored my request.

They didn’t show me their badges. They said they will arrest me for stalling their “investigation”.

All I asked was for them to please take off their shoes and this is how I get treated

Edit: At the end of this , towards the end, a few showed some of their “badges”. And a few had the decently to show me some form of respect.

II once looked up to them.

no manners #hkpolice #mannersNoMore #pleaseEducateYourOfficers #
落街食燒賣 2019-10-22 10:09:59 兩者合體 是為狗賊也
落街食燒賣 2019-10-22 10:11:04
烈槍蒼龍擊 2019-10-22 10:12:55 直頭要全部槍斃



打鬼要用朱古力 2019-10-22 10:16:08
烈槍蒼龍擊 2019-10-22 10:17:25 好在拍片既係外國人
男朋友對眼好細 2019-10-22 10:18:00 Police state
紛爭源於不自知 2019-10-22 10:20:06