香烤冰塊 2019-10-22 21:12:46 上次中秋 有隻黑色好靚


河中作夢 2019-10-22 21:14:14 出坑就塞入角落頭
小豬小小豬 2019-10-22 21:14:48 剛開始草,見杯就買,
河中作夢 2019-10-22 21:15:25 今年報到啦
毒撚到冇朋友 2019-10-22 21:16:38 我有個fd 都見杯就買,不過係飛機杯
河中作夢 2019-10-22 21:16:38 你地喺gp自私約
小豬小小豬 2019-10-22 21:16:42 有請小鳳姐
香烤冰塊 2019-10-22 21:16:54 我就儲開舊銀紙
小豬小小豬 2019-10-22 21:17:39 Ya Ya,舊銀紙我都有玩啊

香烤冰塊 2019-10-22 21:18:00 我地好公開地約嫁

香烤冰塊 2019-10-22 21:18:21 紫50


prokofiev 2019-10-22 21:18:25 My friend Joe was born in 1993 while his girlfriend was born in 1992. Joe isn't very well-to-do while his girlfriend's family is very well-off. He gave a party at his place yesterday in which cheap win was served. The sofas in his flat are made of some cheap material. His television is cheap and nasty. Recently he bought lots of clothes on the cheap as the shop is about to go into liquidation. He bought a pair of cheap shoes that fell apart after a couple months so I bought him some good quality shoes. He's too cheap to buy new shoes. He's very mean with the air conditioner too- it's only on for an hour each day then he turns on the fans and opens the windows instead. Last week he vacationed in macau but he's so cheap he didn't even buy is postcards. He stayed at a four star hotel which serves cheap and cheerful food and sells cheap and cheerful clothes. He's a pianist. He explained to us regarding a piece by Haydn "this passage should be played beautifully rather than rhythmically. Otherwise it's a bit cheap." He asked me to get some Haydn scores for him as I can get them on the cheap from a friend of mine. We watched a kickboxing match in which Paul hit chris with a cheap shot after he lost to Chris. We watched john vs anthony as well. John used an illegal move which was a knee to the grounded opponent's head. The referee could've stopped the match which would've been a cheap triumph for anthony but fortunately he didn't. We also watched a comedy show which was full of cheap laughs. The comedian is famous for his vulgar manner. In the show his suit was vulgar. His jokes and jibes were cheap and vulgar. Last year my friend ken bought a massage chair for my birthday. I remember I said "I can't believe you got me a massage chair" Massage chairs like this don't come cheap. My friend Eddie has been having a crush on this girl named Jo for seven years. He's still holding out false hope that one day he'll become her boyfriend she has a boyfriend. He's just being a doormat. During their trip to Thailand he bought her lots of presents and keepsakes but at the end he ran out if money and so had to ask her to lend him some money who's now saying that eddie is staying close to her to take advantage of her and her money. She stayed in a twin room which has a pair of twin beds rather than a double bed. She told him that she wouldn't sleep with any guy til she was married which we all know isn't true;she sleeps with her real boyfriend daily. She even told him twice that she was a bit attracted to him which gave him false hope. That's why he's still holding out false hope that very soon he'll become her boyfriend. Recently she demanded that eddie bought a Gucci limited edition handbag which costs twenty seven thousand dollars. He bought it but after he found out that Jo was taking advantage of him and his money he felt very upset. Another girl named Shirley who he fancied took her to a beauty parlour and sold him facial sessions for over twelve thousand dollars. Eddie didn't know he was being taken advantage of until he made his payment on his credit card. As soon as he made his payment shirley's whole manner changed. Her expression looked immediately different as she got what she want already.She pretended to be cute and said "we can do facials together sweetheart.. " Then he got persuaded. He got rejected by so many girls maybe due to the fact that he has no qualifications whatsoever so he ended up working as a security guard in a residential building with little career prospects. He fancied my sis so she avoided him.He studied higher diploma in australia but besides IT he failed all the exams and failed them again in his resits so he couldn't apply for a student visa again.He ended up working as a security guard whose salary is twelve thousand dollars.Recently he said he wanted to take a shot at the CPA exam and be an accountant with better career prospects
香烤冰塊 2019-10-22 21:19:20 係咪要block埋上面個個
河中作夢 2019-10-22 21:19:21 OK bye
Oh媽家姐 2019-10-22 21:19:23 留名
小豬小小豬 2019-10-22 21:19:30 其實草銀紙幾爽,得閒無事攞出來望下
香烤冰塊 2019-10-22 21:20:54 囉埋黎數 見到好多張個時好爽
知男而退 2019-10-22 21:21:17 原諒我一次咁多
香烤冰塊 2019-10-22 21:21:53 到時我用盡力,可能真係bye
香烤冰塊 2019-10-22 21:22:50 你又做乜9亂入

知男而退 2019-10-22 21:24:04 炆得好乾淨 幫個屎怱噴埋香水


小豬小小豬 2019-10-22 21:24:15 亂放地下然後影相都好爽皮
香烤冰塊 2019-10-22 21:26:23 我有連no.既紫50

小豬小小豬 2019-10-22 21:28:57 連no,
2張、3張算唔算連no = =?
薛丁格的貓s 2019-10-22 21:29:34 完全追唔切gp