[本地足球] 2019/20 港超聯、亞協及香港隊世盃外討論區 (26)
維多利亞海港 2019-10-22 17:31:24 已訂歐冲


維多利亞海港 2019-10-22 17:33:07 想問埋可否印7號 custom字 卓耀果
OberynMartell 2019-10-22 17:35:37 廣豪助攻
風暴兵-2187 2019-10-22 17:36:32 可惜唔印埋名
黃威 2019-10-22 17:46:49 蘇沙 基爾頓
HK_Bellerin 2019-10-22 17:48:48 幾好
磯佳奈江 2019-10-22 17:51:58 Brian fok 係咪仲踢到架,我見佢踢大專都好鈍
丹蘇.居里 2019-10-22 17:53:00
風暴兵-2187 2019-10-22 17:55:39 好彩個教練幾夠膽用新人
Porte 2019-10-22 18:05:08 http://tyss.imfc.cn/ftv/saicheng.html?id=185&fbclid=IwAR2cC_yGn1KWj82jSXCAvjFZv7eMCjTlAVu6kVzP9I2WbZfycZ9J9Ho8A2Q
5人足球 亞洲杯外圍賽live
Porte 2019-10-22 18:05:09 http://tyss.imfc.cn/ftv/saicheng.html?id=185&fbclid=IwAR2cC_yGn1KWj82jSXCAvjFZv7eMCjTlAVu6kVzP9I2WbZfycZ9J9Ho8A2Q
5人足球 亞洲杯外圍賽live


黃威 2019-10-22 18:09:50

有所思事 2019-10-22 18:10:35 如果王6c 11月落選,連登仔會唔會原諒元朗隊
Iker_Casillas 2019-10-22 18:10:41 話晒都光頭佬偶像
山風老豆 2019-10-22 18:15:08 人地南斯拉夫足球先生喎ching
山風老豆 2019-10-22 18:15:37 覆錯sor
Iker_Casillas 2019-10-22 18:17:04
孫銘謙(大埔) 2019-10-22 18:24:39 Kuala Lumpur: The Asian Football Confederation (AFC) has decided today that the AFC Cup 2019 final between DPR Korea’s 4.25 SC and Al Ahed from Lebanon, scheduled to take place on November 2, 2019 in Pyongyang will now be played in Shanghai.

In keeping with its objectives, the AFC, after careful consideration of the challenges affecting the commercial, broadcasting, media, accessibility and logistical arrangements, is compelled to assign the Final Match to be played in a neutral venue.

Shanghai was established as the host venue due to its ease of access and after the Chinese Football Association confirmed their willingness to stage the Final Match for the AFC. Both clubs and Member Associations have been informed of the AFC’s decision. The kick-off time is set for 17.00 local time and host stadium for the final will be confirmed in due course.
裘鸞奇 2019-10-22 18:25:42 WFC
S_McTominay_39 2019-10-22 18:30:38 如果425打亞冠係咪要場場搬晒去上海
HK_Bellerin 2019-10-22 18:33:34 最緊要425打到亞冠


傑志總領隊 2019-10-22 18:35:41 真心,當打時幾勁
天久(L259) 2019-10-22 18:37:01 唔好講到亞冠咁遠先啦,最起碼下年亞協分組賽都要踢中立場啦
S_McTominay_39 2019-10-22 18:37:08 準備睇到時分組賽低強度零考驗玩弄台仔賭仔
Iker_Casillas 2019-10-22 18:39:04 玩弄台仔定俾台仔玩弄