How to stand with Hong Kong? Boycott anything by China
Anti_支納綷 2019-10-18 21:18:45 Don’t purchase any goods , any services from Chinese enterprise, or made in China.

You may not enjoy the cheap products and services anymore, but this is the premium must be paid for the modern civilisation, justice and human right.

Boycott Chinazi!


Merry奶奶 2019-10-18 22:05:07 Yes, Suppress China , Boycott China and defend liberty & freedom
湖畔散步去 2019-10-19 23:05:05 in other words
you may turn to products made in other countries
but I opt for domestic product
Anti_支納綷 2019-10-20 13:02:43
反共大台 2019-10-20 13:07:48 Don’t let China enterprise to make profit from other country
平凡一個 2019-10-20 13:10:24 Yes, please do it
光滑腳趾罅 2019-10-20 13:14:43 Chinese goods may be cheaper but actually expensive in other ways. TikTok is free but actually they steal your personal information. Products from China is cheaper but actually they manipulate your market through pricing down. CHINazi is aggressive.
中間偏上 2019-10-20 16:37:02 And please also spread the news and situation of Hong Kong to people
JTV 2019-10-20 20:29:24
Philip Khan condemn HK Police and CE Carrie Lam in rage, saying the government is insulting Islam by spraying blue dyed chemical to mosque by water cannon.
Anti_支納綷 2019-10-20 22:26:19
startagain 2019-10-21 14:19:34 It's useless. It's difficult to boycott Chinese things which are very cheap. If you don't want people buying Chinese things. You need to think more and make the things which are cheaper and better in quality than them. Market should be determined by free market but not what you said because human is greedy.


鹵素撚數佬 2019-10-22 02:25:31 This is a good idea. This is the first step for our friends to take action to stand with Hong Kong.
“Stand with Hong Kong” is not only a slogan but it is the spirit of us. Take action now
Anti_支納綷 2019-10-26 16:59:57 Push
Anti_支納綷 2019-10-26 17:07:28 Actually, we have a more intense operation called ‘ renovation’.

If you can see some protestors destroy the shop, please don’t think they are mob/rioters.

All of them are focusing the Chinese funded shop and enterprise, which is received Chinazi state funding, start the unfair trade war to Hong Kong Local enterprise.

We use the word ‘renovation’ because the aim of the operation is to increase the ‘red enterprise’ operating cost by damage their property, so they need to spend more money for renovation.
非人類 2019-10-26 17:08:41 Push
許志安(已壞) 2019-10-26 21:46:44 此回覆已被刪除
好頭痛 2019-10-26 22:35:57 push
Anti_支納綷 2019-10-27 00:16:24 Push
呻吟結衣 2019-10-27 00:24:53
Anti_支納綷 2019-10-27 13:58:47 Push
小川阿紗美 2019-10-27 14:08:03 此回覆已被刪除


Anti_支納綷 2019-10-28 03:12:25 Push
威爾斯 2019-10-28 17:52:19 此回覆已被刪除
威爾斯 2019-10-28 17:53:36 此回覆已被刪除
威爾斯 2019-10-28 17:54:25 此回覆已被刪除