『薪火post』BNO續期資訊(67) 真。BREXIT
希魔 2019-10-18 21:22:02 確定CANCELLED PASSPORT


所記 2019-10-18 21:22:40 你唔答bno咁你本護照係乜?bc?你真係搞清楚自己續乜好喎!如果係bdtc無得搞喎,我哋話揀others係講issue機構。以上兩條問題亦無從屬關係,分開理解。
希魔 2019-10-18 21:23:37 你LOST唔洗填
imacphone 2019-10-18 21:24:21 佢個system其實仲係Beta 成日有update


話時話佢呢個online system算做得好好,起碼user friendly
肥銯大隻 2019-10-18 21:29:45 我個時係就咁影相再print出黎
死線戰士 2019-10-18 21:32:04 對比香港政府嗰D好好多
希魔 2019-10-18 21:32:25 你手上都係核證副本
yff 2019-10-18 21:34:53 唔好意思, 想問下收到HMPO喱個電郵, 想問下封authorising letter 有無特定格式架 ?

Good Morning

General Data Protection: Subject Access Request (SAR)

Thank you for your enquiry of the 11th October requesting information from Her Majesty’s Passport Office regarding a BNO passport. Before I can consider your request further I would be grateful if you could provide the following as required under the General Data Protection Regulations 2018:

· An email address to which our reply may be sent.

· A signed letter from your Parent’s authorising HM Passport Office to release the information to you.

· Any other information that you can supply which might help us to locate the details which you are seeking. This should include details of any name changes and the dates they occurred.

Please be aware that, under the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations 2018, HM Passport Office has up to one calendar month to process the request after all of the above have been received.
所記 2019-10-18 21:47:12 哈,同我一樣,全部文件係手機影自己印A4出嚟!
所記 2019-10-18 21:47:30 咁又真喎
所記 2019-10-18 21:53:43 依...可能你係included child 喎!之前係查唔到included child case!話無有關資料。其實你身份證大法有無中晒!

至於格式係無,你網上參考formal letter 點寫囉,你父母簽名,可能要提供埋身份證號碼,等佢利用有關資料去搵。照表面睇你好可能無一本獨立bno!


imacphone 2019-10-18 21:57:33 內容我諗大慨係咁

We, XXX and YYY, the parents of ZZZ, hereby authorise HMPO to release any information which deemed necessary for the process of the Subject Access Request.

yff 2019-10-18 21:58:28 明白
身份證大法中哂呀, 所以先再做 SAR
imacphone 2019-10-18 21:58:50 起碼D 問題唔會無棱兩可,同埋可以自己影相upload sot copy 真係好方便

東方日賣百份報 2019-10-18 22:05:52 改完密碼入唔返就冇人理

尋日send email問pe
岩岩答落嚟話要打去cs claim BC
肥銯大隻 2019-10-18 22:14:26 降grade
都唔知望咩 2019-10-18 22:15:25 分享我嘅情況

25 Sep Application submitted
26 Sep 空郵掛號 $66 + 郵用軟墊信封 5 號 $11
02 Oct Documents received
04 Oct Application being processed
10 Oct Application approved
11 Oct Passport print and sent
17 Oct 收到新BNO
21 Oct 預計收到舊BNO + 之前文件

我本舊BNO 過期十幾年 喺幾歲嘅相片

我出世紙 正本
解釋信(比唔到 父母出世紙 + 父母結婚證書)
父母身份證雙面彩印 (我喺解釋信講過提供父母身份證)

肥銯大隻 2019-10-18 22:31:07
希魔 2019-10-18 22:38:22
千歳様 2019-10-18 22:48:49 多謝咁多位巴打先 終於收到新BNO

身份証大法全中 但喺老豆唔肯定當初喺咪有幫我申請過BNO 所以決定報Lost

15/8 報Lost
16/8 打電話
之後等咗一排reference number都喺冇
23/8 SAR
7/9 SAR覆返話有record 比埋passport no. 同 expire date

其實以Lost case 嚟講都算快 一個月都唔使

而到收埋本新BNO 都喺冇reference no.
肥銯大隻 2019-10-18 22:54:14 唔好講咁多住


千歳様 2019-10-18 22:58:18

肥銯大隻 2019-10-18 23:01:07

imacphone 2019-10-18 23:02:37 乜真係會print Tsuen Wan 個d既咩😂
肥銯大隻 2019-10-18 23:06:09 上個po 最尾幾頁都仲有傾
