What does LIHKG stand for?
LorraineC 2019-10-15 18:30:32 Some people say it is Linden Hong Kong, others say it is Lineage Hong Kong. Or is it Li Kar Shing’s Hong Kong?
Please elaborate. (10 marks)


痴線救港 2019-10-15 18:35:37 此回覆已被刪除
睦目讀獨 2019-10-15 18:43:32 copy from hkgolden forum
CTX 2019-10-15 18:52:30 The Linkage of Hong Kong People
走路有風的嫖客 2019-10-15 18:53:49 I don’t think there’s a official name coz LIHKG is not an abbreviation when created.
IMO, it’s kind of like
Lineage’s Hong Kong Golden?

Still I prefer we stay L-I-H-K-G officially while call it Linden casually.
大胃高柏飛 2019-10-15 19:32:54 You can say it stands for Lineage-HKG. lineage (連尼住) is an app developer who developed a third-party Android app for a formerly prominent Hong Kong forum called hkgolden(高登), as that online forum ran on really outdated structure. Lineage named the app after himself, thus was called LIHK; at the same time there was another third party iOS app for hkgolden as well, called HKG+ developed by 望遠. The two apps were extremely popular for hkgolden users, as the official app and mobile site were extremely rubbish.

Perhaps out of jealousy, hkgolden accused the two apps for overloading its server and steal advertising revenue. Initially they came up with an agreement to use a designated api to access the server, yet soon hkgolden shut down the api, claiming the two apps doing caches and earning extra revenues, and ruled all mobile users should use its app only.

hkgolden's action created huge opposition from the community, which certainly was fuelled by other mismanagement. The administrator responded with widespread banning of protesting users - at the same time Lineage and 望遠 and other users initiated a proposal to create a third hkgolden-style forum focusing on mobile usage experience; and thus, as LIHK merged with HKG+, LIHKG was born.
D.West 2019-10-15 19:44:08 LIHKG is not pronounced as LIHKG or LI'HKG' or LI'H'K'G'
Linden (lin' dang') is the only pronunciation used by Hongkongers
But why Linden? I don't know, but
Lin is the surname of the app developer of LIHKG
den (pronounced as dang) is the surname for a series of clones all tracing their origins from hkgolden.com (pronounced as Go' Dang') that explains the "den" part
So we have Xden Yden Zden...etc. in Hong Kong just like Linden.
D.West 2019-10-15 19:46:25 2chan
LorraineC 2019-10-15 20:08:29 Thanks very much!
That’s the most detailed answer I’ve seen so far.
Hope that would help people from other countries understand its name and its background!
是鳩爛但啦 2019-10-15 20:10:36 From one of our brothers,
LIberate HongKonG
大胃高柏飛 2019-10-15 20:19:47 Thanks for the compliment indeed!

I reckon we definitely need more detailed explanation and accounts of Hong Kong's subculture
It often takes time to understand the Cantonese context, not to mention things/humour that only Hongkongers would understand

It might be confusing, yet also no less interesting and fascinating once you understand it


天天上學 2019-10-15 20:22:03 It is just a forum but beneath that
There is a fate, and fate is bulletproof
LorraineC 2019-10-15 21:00:17 Fate, or faith?
LorraineC 2019-10-15 21:00:54
南極灰熊 2019-10-16 00:26:12 Please refer to this thread.

LIHKG = Liberate Hong Kong
蛋撻哥哥 2019-10-16 03:09:26 LIHK : one of the crew member in LIHKG
HKG : HKG+ is another crew member of LIHKG

GWONGFUKHK 2019-10-16 05:18:43 起完樓主底,無見過佢講英文,樓主部手機可能已落入第三者手上,大家小心!!
Jessie_Pinkman 2019-10-16 10:31:06 此回覆已被刪除
左膠殺手 2019-10-16 11:14:16 How dare you think LIHKG represents HK people?
左膠殺手 2019-10-16 11:14:26 Conspiracy sucks.
喂喂喂喂 2019-10-16 11:15:20 Are you okay?


八折八折 2019-10-16 11:22:25 Liberty Inspired Hong Kong Ger
白龍。琥珀川 2019-10-16 12:00:12 Who u are?
銘記烈士遺志 2019-10-16 12:19:42 你係國安定其他勢力 點得到呢個AC/手機 當事人係邊 是否安全
阿姆姆無魔 2019-10-16 18:35:07 who are you?