Running Man 討論區 (16)
東莞神起 2019-11-28 07:14:56 以前分開一人一架車, 同嘉賓車內互動都好搞笑



Lrak 2019-11-28 14:02:09 其實應該都係budget問題
好似旅行 fans meeting呢啲應該要洗咗好多集budget

習禁評(慶豐帝) 2019-11-28 17:23:21 以前凈係sbs玩鈴鐺追逐戰都好睇過呢兩年好多
掃膠特工 2019-11-28 17:30:13 揸過一次 有集去唔知咩能源屋 全部成員都係各自各揸去
路過的會員 2019-11-28 17:35:25 上兩集都還可以今集又變番差,剪接又差
中大GDragon 2019-11-28 18:33:05 留意到呢一年多咗教育意義集數(好似上集個theme係保護動物)
夏花秋葉 2019-11-28 20:39:26 今集太短時間內翻炒,變左冇咁好笑
在月光下彈琴 2019-11-28 22:40:52 冇記錯之前有幾集有教育意義嘅集數係毒撚pd味返黎之前拍
習禁評(慶豐帝) 2019-11-29 12:29:18 好似李煥鎮拍
馬馬度沙高 2019-11-30 18:41:17 SBS has confirmed that they are currently in talks to have Ryan Reynolds on “Running Man.”

A source from SBS responded to the reports and said, “We are currently in talks to have Ryan Reynolds and his ‘6 Underground’ co-stars Mélanie Laurent and Adria Arjona on ‘Running Man’ together.”
木兔 2019-11-30 18:53:18 又嚟⋯⋯


轉帳比自己 2019-11-30 18:54:24 又準備玩on9 game
馬馬度沙高 2019-11-30 18:55:50 SBS reveals that Ryan Reynolds, Mélanie Laurent and Adria Arjona are currently considering to guest on 'Running Man' as part of Netflix movie '6 Underground' promotional activities in South Korea
馬馬度沙高 2019-11-30 18:58:52 According to exclusive reporting by News1, Ryan Reynolds will be making a guest appearance in early December on “Running Man.” It is being said that filming will take place while Ryan Reynolds visits Korea with Mélanie Laurent and Michael Bay on December 2 for their Netflix film “6 Underground.”

The reports state that Ryan Reynolds agreed to appear on “Running Man” in order to greet his Korean fans in a fun way amidst his packed schedule. Though filming will take place over a short period of time, “Running Man” is said to be planning a segment that highlights traditional culture in Korea.

上次tom cruise上running man好似都有講traditional culture in Korea
他怎麼吸引你 2019-11-30 19:01:54 今期流行忍笑⋯
馬馬度沙高 2019-11-30 19:03:29 爭野食+巴士game 英文版
習禁評(慶豐帝) 2019-11-30 19:20:54 桶叔叔+忍笑ryan版
中大GDragon 2019-11-30 19:40:40 屌 前幾日先講緊Tom Cruise上次上黎玩桶叔叔
今日就話Ryan Reynolds上黎

留名睇英文版like or hate
轉帳比自己 2019-11-30 19:57:23 我已經ff緊玩忍笑個時會點
木兔 2019-11-30 20:11:18 Ryan都係on99
中大GDragon 2019-11-30 20:14:50 但外國人笑點同韓國人唔同
正如佢地覺得勇度大嬸同韓基範好笑 我地就覺得好on9


退一步人去樓空 2019-11-30 20:19:53 其實請佢地黎可以玩d咩
太激又驚整親 talk又通言不通
他怎麼吸引你 2019-11-30 20:25:46 身體搞笑掛
中大GDragon 2019-11-30 20:38:01 詳情可以參考Tom Cruise個集
所以like or hate同忍笑真係有機出現
退一步人去樓空 2019-11-30 20:39:21 機會幾大 不過其實請佢地有咩意義