I’m an American. Ask me anything!
跟隊形呀 2019-10-17 13:54:07 入黎幫推行動post啦
[重要]做緊個連登小實驗 有興趣入一入黎
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唔想做人 2019-10-17 13:59:52 good ball sir
公冶長 2019-10-17 14:43:10 Hi chapstick,
Thanks for supporting HK.
Now that the House has passed HK Human Rights and Democracy Bill, is there any potential hiccup that could stop the Senate passing the bill as well? I understand that both the Senate and the House needs to reconcile the difference of the Bill to make it a law, but other than that I am not particularly familiar with the legislation procedure. Like many HKers, I am just nervous that some Senators may not support the Bill. What's the take on this?
公冶長 2019-10-17 14:43:39 What's *your take on this?
香甜醒神 2019-10-18 00:27:13 Bahahaha did you go to Denise Ho’s concert on Columbus Day I wonder did I see you
京都豬扒飯 2019-10-18 00:31:56 wow ching you know saam mo!
二梳傢私 2019-10-18 00:34:46
休班廢青 2019-10-18 00:36:27 Great to see you
what canton music do you listen most
瑪黑絲煮意 2019-10-18 00:38:10 Sir this way
你個女個呀媽 2019-10-18 00:42:43 Hi chapstick, welcome to LIHKG
QuiteBlu 2019-10-18 02:40:57 uh, a sales rep from footlocker asked me if hong kong is in japan...... it was like 8 years ago. but still, wtf????? lol


新用戶(十七歲) 2019-10-18 02:59:20 how about in-n-out
刺奶長拳 2019-10-18 03:11:37 hi my friend, do US people actually follow what happened in hk?
唔想諗乜名 2019-10-18 03:13:24 hi there
what you expect from lihkg? in what way do you think we can do to promote lihkg so that more foreigners come to this channel and read what you have expected?
chapstick 2019-10-18 07:11:25 Sorry for my late responses. I’m busy with school at the moment. I’ll be back soon to answer more questions! Thank you for your interest!

I can buy an LIHKG premium membership at 7-11, right?
大台阻膠 2019-10-18 19:22:20 omg, you are writing Chinese characters
大台阻膠 2019-10-18 19:26:35 seems only for non p plate members :(
大台阻膠 2019-10-18 19:27:39 p plate is the little P sign next to my name, for members register after June this year, to distinguish from old members
胡車兒 2019-10-18 20:15:20 hi just curious to ask, which one u prefer, trump or biden?

As a hker, i am pretty concern on Biden's weak attitude towards CCP or china
猜包剪揼 2019-10-18 20:19:54 Can you invite more US citizen to join LIHKG?
閪冧奇應丸 2019-10-18 23:09:59 此回覆已被刪除


QRC 2019-10-18 23:15:20 No
And you got the P sign because you are new (won’t go away until the crisis ends, to prevent Commie infiltration). Some functions are restricted.
chapstick 2019-10-18 23:16:04 I was joking about 7-11
QRC 2019-10-18 23:21:14 I am surprised that a real American knows HK meme so well. And you can even use emojis the way we use? Omg can’t believe you are a new user
chapstick 2019-10-18 23:26:43 All of this can be explained quite simply: 硬幣導致感應器嘅磁通量改變