I’m an American. Ask me anything!
巴魯坦星人(出包) 2019-10-15 08:17:16 Dont care about those identity thugs


chapstick 2019-10-15 08:43:20 Friends,

I will come back in a few hours to answer more questions. Thank you for your patience. In the mean time, can you help me? Apple Daily published a special edition about the protests a few weeks ago. It was very nicely designed, and a high-resolution digital version was available shortly after it sold out. I heard they recently published the same special edition in English. If this is true, can anyone provide a link to a digital version? I’d like to read it.

Thank you.
淫閱兩臀圓 2019-10-15 08:47:43 thanks buddy
古天樂. 2019-10-15 09:03:00 此回覆已被刪除
古天樂. 2019-10-15 09:06:05 此回覆已被刪除
chapstick 2019-10-15 09:23:22 Yes, you’re exactly right. They all want to enter the Chinese market and harvest that sweet, sweet RMB.

I think spreading awareness about the list of companies who have kowtowed is a good start. The majority of people don’t know this corporate self-censorship is happening. Honestly, a boycott would be difficult. I think a better direction would be trying to influence public policy directly, which means we need to show people that they are being personally affected by all of this. We need to break through the barriers of apathy and lack of awareness.
chapstick 2019-10-15 09:24:27 Lindog! Although I know Linpig is important to the movement!

chapstick 2019-10-15 09:24:43 Yes sir!
chapstick 2019-10-15 09:27:31 I know the beautiful song and I know its English lyrics, but I can’t sing it in Cantonese yet! It was played in NYC yesterday
(I didn’t take this picture)

Have you seen this music video?

chapstick 2019-10-15 09:28:45

Actually, I live in a small apartment, so my kitchen is small. I do have a typical large American refrigerator though.
chapstick 2019-10-15 09:29:32 Let’s stand for HK together so you people don’t have to speak mandarin!


chapstick 2019-10-15 09:31:24 Is this a reference to that one canto movie in which one of the female characters cheats on her spouse with a westerner, and people find out because she comes to lunch with a pubic hair sticking out of her wedding ring?

I’m pretty sure I saw a movie like that.
chapstick 2019-10-15 09:35:43 Thanks man. I have been doing exactly that. Very cool username, by the way!!
撩耳屎好爽 2019-10-15 09:48:45 Will Americans not like Hong Kong people waving the American flag?
求撚其是尻但 2019-10-15 10:02:33 I've nothing to ask. But thanks for stand with us.
ChrolloLucilfer 2019-10-15 10:12:24 can you send me your dick's photo?
鍵盤戰士2047 2019-10-15 10:16:57 Welcome Chapstck. That’s exactly the white terror they impose on us, but I couldn’t think of much reason to visit China neither.
鴨脷洲速龍 2019-10-15 10:20:38 is it ok to using pepe become our mascot on hk?
chapstick 2019-10-15 10:24:37 There’s something I wanted to ask.

I went to the mainland with a mainlander girl I was dating at the time.

We went to a major city well known for tourism.

When we were together, so many people gave us hateful stares. It was incredible how many hateful stares we got just walking down the sidewalk or eating together at restaurants. One night, a young guy even shouted “foreigners fucking our women” in mandarin at us.

In America, plenty of people are also racist about interracial dating. But these people are usually uneducated and live in rural areas.

The city we went to is larger than NYC. I was shocked how much racism we encountered in a city of that size.

Does this also happen in HK?
鍵盤戰士2047 2019-10-15 10:28:44 Here in HK we’re used to seeing all races of peole dating - check out Central and we have many Caucasians, and them dating/ hanging out with Asians.

Yet I must admit there will be voices saying the girl “食洋腸”, i.e. eat foreign sausage especially if you’re with a much shorter lady with full make up. Personally I’m totally fine with that, why should we care?
鍵盤戰士2047 2019-10-15 10:29:52 People probably will whisper and laugh among themselves but you don’t get teased/ made fun of publicly. So haven’t you been here?


chapstick 2019-10-15 10:33:45 I see, thanks for your response. 食洋腸 is kind of funny in a fucked up way.

In the mainland it wasn’t teasing, it was actual hatred. In America some people hate seeing dark skinned men with white girls. That mindset really infuriates me...
鍵盤戰士2047 2019-10-15 10:44:25 Yes. I guess there’re still psychological bottlenecks/ stereotypes especially in Asia where Asians are 80-90% of population, conservatism/ Confusian family values are likely to persist.

In this regard, people in the more popular immigrant destinations (e.g. US, ANZ, Canada) are deemed to be more forward as the population is mixed by default - Vietnameses dating Chinese, White dating people of colours, etc

Just my observation/ personal opinion.
鍵盤戰士2047 2019-10-15 10:46:22 Yes a free and fair society should be able to cater people of all beliefs and personal choices.
韋名弦二朗 2019-10-15 10:48:45 有野想捐可以FB搵我地香港自由之書阿



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