I’m an American. Ask me anything!
星ching 2019-10-14 20:56:49 Would like to know how’s American stance on the current situation in Hong Kong? Do they support or in fact they do not have knowledge about this?


精神爽利 2019-10-14 21:09:35 Welcome aboard dude.
修理皮 2019-10-14 21:15:37 此回覆已被刪除
精神爽利 2019-10-14 21:21:03 Good night man.

One question. Do u think China will rule the world someday? Including the US? I mean look many huge companies, billionaires and I believe some politicians in the US r under the control of the CCP. Sometimes I think the CCP will buy u guys a puppet president sooner or later.
anon 2019-10-14 21:27:41 le 56% burger
加百列 2019-10-14 21:28:45 No, it’s not dude...
椎名由奈 2019-10-14 21:29:21 Any dick pic?
chapstick 2019-10-14 21:32:52 I already agreed to marry someone in this thread so I can’t send one.
修理皮 2019-10-14 21:33:55 此回覆已被刪除
隨遇而安的人 2019-10-14 21:37:21 i have a question
china government are trying to limit freedom of speech in us and to take control of us by penetration and bribe
many big us corporations like disney google tesla facebook corporate with china and obey what china government instructs

will us people punish these corporations?
美祿🇭🇷 2019-10-14 21:37:56 🇭🇷🤝🇺🇸


Ace加第4棒 2019-10-14 21:44:43 此回覆已被刪除
水喉通 2019-10-14 21:55:37 Q: [歷史題]
#2 嘅回覆係咩呢?

A: 唔好玩膠住啦
水喉通 2019-10-14 21:56:35 But two?
送膠員 2019-10-14 22:00:50 Not only in US, but also in Hong Kong as well as LIHKG member.
放射良心 2019-10-14 22:02:40 sir this way
@Real梁振英 2019-10-14 22:10:22 How many % of Americans do actually know where hong kong is? I've watched an interview about interviewing random people about hong kong, and some of them thought it's a japanese city...
今晚上一仔 2019-10-14 22:21:04 Can American distinguish what‘s the difference between HKers and chinese?
剛果糯米飯 2019-10-14 22:32:45 you learn fast
Linden偵探 2019-10-15 01:15:43 此回覆已被刪除
經一事蔡一智 2019-10-15 01:22:20 oh snap this is going down in history
mate ur probs the first american tbh


港獨分子 2019-10-15 01:33:51 It's great to see someone like you in America.

Unlike the state I'm in, people here don't even care.
chapstick 2019-10-15 03:07:40 I am honored
chapstick 2019-10-15 03:09:54 Unfortunately many Americans don’t bother to learn about international politics. We can be very apathetic. I think exposing the effects of Chinese censorship on the entertainment and sports industries is a good start.

People need to know that it’s HK today, and their country tomorrow.
chapstick 2019-10-15 03:11:55 加油 my friend. We’ll save HK together.