I’m an American. Ask me anything!
chapstick 2019-10-14 11:02:12 LOL, I hadn’t heard about that. Those guys get triggered so easily. Also, how do they think he supports HK independence? No one is talking about independence...


chapstick 2019-10-14 11:02:46 It’s on their website. They have a store where you can buy it
they shipped it all the way to America!!
chapstick 2019-10-14 11:08:47 Unfortunately in America, police shootings are fairly common. In general, approaching a police officer with something in your hand, even if it’s just a plastic pipe, MIGHT get you shot especially if the officer demands that you drop the item. In general the police will try to use nonlethal means first, but there HAVE been cases where people holding non-threatening items have been shot by police. I wouldn’t use American police as a good standard for appropriate use of force. Maybe Germany or Japan or something, I’m not sure.

I personally think excessive force was used in this case. I don’t think that boy should have been shot. The popo had body armor, right? Also, weren’t the popo seen planting a metal rod on the boy’s body as fake evidence? Popo should have been able to handle the situation without shooting the boy.
chapstick 2019-10-14 11:10:38 You’re absolutely right, and the situation has implications that go far beyond HK’s borders.
chapstick 2019-10-14 11:11:30 Blizzard and NBA get way more attention than Tiffany or Mulan. We should really try to promote the list of companies who have kowtowed to CCP censorship.
chapstick 2019-10-14 11:14:57 There’s growing tension here in the states. We have our own political problems...I really admire the right community the protestors in HK have formed. You are all brothers and sisters. You’re fearless and resourceful. It’s incredible seeing how protestors help one another in times of need. It’s also amazing how you can work together to cover an entire MTR station floor in pictures of Junius Ho or Carrie Lam
chapstick 2019-10-14 11:15:37 I will vote YES on that!
城之內x大門 2019-10-14 11:15:37 Thanks for your detailed reply

I'm asking this question is becoz many Hongkongers see Trump as a a strong ally to crumble CCP. So we care about his re-election so badly, hoping he'll help resist China in any political or economic means, despite he may just treat 🇭🇰 as a bargaining chip/leverage to maximise profits of 🇺🇸.

Now we just hope no matter who is the next president, he/she will treasure the values of human rights/democracy/freedom, & firmly support is.
chapstick 2019-10-14 11:19:41 I’ve been asked this a lot.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice anywhere” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

What I say to people who ask me this question is: this struggle isn’t just about the city of HK. It’s a struggle for human decency. Under this threat to human rights we are all Hong Kongers.
chapstick 2019-10-14 11:22:29 Yes, can you help me understand what happened to Chen Yanlin (rest in peace)?

I cried when I read her story.

Do you think she was murdered by popo/triad thugs? Every detail is so suspicious. Why was she cremated so quickly?

chapstick 2019-10-14 11:23:56 Thank you. Please see my post before this one. What happened to Chen Yanlin (RIP)?


古賀紗理那 2019-10-14 11:24:35
i hope everyone would know this verse from luther king
chapstick 2019-10-14 11:25:15 I think Reddit would be much easier to access for most Americans...it’s quite popular here. HK subreddit has 300k subscribers already. However, LIHKG seems to have a more in-depth and up-to-date source of info, as you mentioned.
chapstick 2019-10-14 11:31:25 I think they pay more attention now than they did previously for sure. However most Americans have short attention spans for international politics. I do think that China meddling with the entertainment industry is a BAD plan for the CCP. It’s going to continue to attract attention.

There’s been a lot of frustration with “made in China” products/ moving the manufacturing industry to China. But I think we really need to spread the news of the abuses of Uighers and HK people far and wide. Average person on the street probably doesn’t know much about the social credit system etc.

Both sides are united on this issue because freedom of speech and democracy are core American values. Its like asking both sides if sugar is sweet. The answer is naturally yes.

chapstick 2019-10-14 11:32:15 Thank you for inviting me to your LIHKG bbq
lumber 2019-10-14 11:39:25 外國勢力

foreign forces

This way sir
chapstick 2019-10-14 11:40:51 This is an excellent question and I think it’s crucial.

In America, looting (stealing) is common during large scale civil unrest or natural disasters. This is viewed very negatively. I know HK protestors are NOT looting the shops they decorate. I think that is something that would be viewed positively here. However, I’m not sure if the average American would view shop decorating positively. I’m not sure if they would receive the ENTIRE story about WHY the shops are decorated or renovated. It’s easy to scroll past a picture of a trashed Bestmart 360 and assume it was destroyed during a “riot”. It’s important to convey WHY the bestmart was trashed.

I can’t really properly answer your question because I’m not a strategist. I think in general, peaceful protest will get you the most supporters (and, as you said, it’s difficult to maintain peace due to popo actions). However, I DO understand that self defense is necessary. In my opinion, more should be done to spread awareness about why certain shops are targeted, and that protestors don’t incite violence but instead try to defend themselves from it.
chapstick 2019-10-14 11:42:24 Yes it is sad...but the important thing is that attention is growing. Sports fans can be...fanatic. It’s good to have them on our side.
chapstick 2019-10-14 11:45:43 I wish I knew the answer bro.

Just add oil. Nice username by the way. I love KFC too

chapstick 2019-10-14 11:46:35 Because when HKer human rights are being violated, everyone is a HKer. We all need to stand together as humans to help each other out.
chapstick 2019-10-14 11:48:05 Continue spreading awareness about corporate self-censorship. Blizzard and NBA got a lot of attention here.


chapstick 2019-10-14 11:48:53 Dunno, I’m not one of them. I think everyone but extremist lefties oppose the CCP though.
糧尾零 2019-10-14 11:51:00 Yeah that’s true. Police was planting evidence. Anyways, thank you for supporting us xoxo
chapstick 2019-10-14 11:51:12 You are all welcome here
let’s do LIHKG tour of America!
chapstick 2019-10-14 11:52:14 Yes, absolutely. Blizzard as well. But NBA has brought the most attention, followed by south park in my opinion.