I’m an American. Ask me anything!
chapstick 2019-10-13 10:40:04 It’s understandable. Don’t worry guys, I’m not a wumao.


趙孟頫 2019-10-13 10:40:58 With the joker face you used, you are qualified to be lindenjai.
太監 2019-10-13 10:41:20 how do you manage to get a local email address?
chapstick 2019-10-13 10:46:29 Overall opinion is very negative. There are some fringe idiots who support them (such as the pro-Beijing western lady on video a few weeks ago), but in general we take a very dim view of the CCP. Criticisms against things like organ harvesting, censorship, and social credit score/ facial recognition are spreading.
chapstick 2019-10-13 10:48:58 I didn’t. The admin allowed me to join after I sent a copy of my university ID and a handwritten note proving my identity.
暴大校友 2019-10-13 10:52:14 此回覆已被刪除
五河琴里 2019-10-13 10:52:45 wow, you know how to write Chinese characters
獵鷹可重用 2019-10-13 11:02:47 此回覆已被刪除
車厘龜頭大 2019-10-13 11:02:52 FYI

chapstick 2019-10-13 11:08:52 Thank you for welcoming me, 暴大校友!

The NBA issue has not died down. In fact, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ted Cruz just co-signed a letter to the NBA expressing concern over the NBA’s self-censorship. Those two politicians are absolutely polar opposites, so I think this is an indicator of how bipartisan the opposition to Chinese censorship is in America.

DJ Zedd being banned, Winnie the Pooh being banned, Taiwan flag emoji being removed, etc. all make the Chinese government appear petty to us.

This gofundme gathered $43,000 USD in 2 days to print “Stand With Hong Kong” T-shirts. The shirts will be given for free at NBA games. $43k USD in 2 days...that’s incredible. The goal is to force the entire audience to be censored LOL.

chapstick 2019-10-13 11:13:59 Thank you. I am well aware of police collusion with triads and the attacks of 7.21 and 8.31


#201464 2019-10-13 11:14:31 此回覆已被刪除
獵鷹可重用 2019-10-13 11:21:06 此回覆已被刪除
chapstick 2019-10-13 11:21:25 I need a lot more practice, but they’re fun to learn. I’m also learning by watching canto movies and canto music. I’m still at a very, very basic proficiency level.

Speaking of music, Denise Ho will be in NYC for a concert on 10.14.
fff_swhk 2019-10-13 11:29:50 Thanks a lot for your effort and support
Mad respect for ya!
chapstick 2019-10-13 11:30:01 Two prominent democratic politicians, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the house) have both indicated opposition to the CCP’s actions.

Nancy Pelosi met Joshua Wong and Denise Ho when they testified in front of our congress. Pelosi called Wong “my friend” on Twitter. China was not happy about any of this.


What do you guys think about Joshua Wong and Demosistō?
周街都係臭雞 2019-10-13 11:33:35 yup.

Being tough on China has already become a bipartisan consensus, Democrats and Republicans even give Trump hell for not being tough enough on China.

So what China did was not only having Washington turn against them, but with that they did to Morey and the self-censorship of Blizzard became a warning signal to all Americans that China is a threat to US's values.

Not to mention the bases of gamers and NBA fans in the US are huge, it is the Chinese threat directly arriving at the US's pop culture scene.

Unfortunately Hollywood has long kowtowed more than anyone to Chinese money and most just dont pay enough attention and it has become so normalised that i dont think it will change anytime soon.
免費擁抱 2019-10-13 11:39:46 此回覆已被刪除
chapstick 2019-10-13 11:41:29 Absolutely. And sports fans tend to hold grudges.

Do you think we could actually financially impact Blizzard and Disney by making their characters the mascots of the movement?

Another thing that concerns me is US universities bowing to the desires of the Party. For example, Princeton’s stance on the 3 Ts (Tibet, Tiananmen, and Taiwan). Also, at my university’s Chinese KTV competition, a mainland Chinese student rapped in mandarin about making Americans call the Chinese “daddy”. It was quite disrespectful. Most of the audience loved it. A Chinese faculty member complained to the administration, but no action was taken. The university loves to virtue signal about diversity and inclusion, but in this case I think they chose not to upset their steady source of extra tuition income from the mainland.
chapstick 2019-10-13 11:47:46 Thanks for your reply and for welcoming me!

I have this shirt from Demosistō:
人多可以恰人少 2019-10-13 12:17:14 Yup I also believe in Trump but sometimes I saw many Americans on Twitter not really supporting Trump at all, he really did bad in his political life? Haha
Btw, Welcome to Lihkg

Is it difficult to signing up account here as being foreigners?


周街都係臭雞 2019-10-13 12:24:40 i am not a gamer by any means, but i think one of the characters of blizzard already became an icon for Hong Kong, its called Mei i think? and its already been doing rounds in hong kong too.

one proposal people have on this forum is to fabricate fake tweets of Hollywood A-listers supporting Hong Kong, that if it gets enough attention they will be forced to deny they wrote it, inviting backlash from the US similar to the magnitude of the NBA's incident.

As for your prescient observation on China's influence in US Academia, including think-tanks and universities is extremely troubling. apparently China send half a million students abroad each year and more than half of that turn up in the US.
Its one thing to have them at Ivy leagues like Princeton, MIT, Cal Tech etc having access to sensitive tech some of them can 'bring' it back to China, its quite another thing for 2nd 3rd rate universities that have little private endowment/ subsidies from the government to have these Chinese students paying 3 times the tuition fee that allow the university to balance their books.

And it is just a joke that the West have this mindset of 'not poking the beast', that only emboldened China and we are seeing the consequences today, hopefully its not too late.
as a matter of fact, if you call China's bluff, it is much more easier to extract concessions from them, rather than kowtowing at all times.
ie just because a think tank/ university/ company relies/ took Chinese money, it does not mean you become enslaved by them, one can still stand up against them. China likes to tell people the world/ west need them, i would instead say its China that cant live without the West. And its big time to call their bluff.
chapstick 2019-10-13 12:26:07 Thank you!

The admin helped me register with my foreign email after I proved my identity.
721要人 2019-10-13 12:30:07 此回覆已被刪除
721要人 2019-10-13 12:34:27 此回覆已被刪除