I’m an American. Ask me anything!
高手豹子頭 2019-10-13 14:46:50 Welcome to LIHKG


澹志遠 2019-10-13 14:47:50 Thanks pal. Do you think this freedom movement is now gaining support from the majority in America?
日日要揸波 2019-10-13 14:48:53
真假虛實共存內表 2019-10-13 14:49:01 Nice bro, push
陽光與海鷗 2019-10-13 14:49:56 welcome to lihkg. let's bring down communist party together.
一哥(電光火石) 2019-10-13 14:50:58
M550i_amg 2019-10-13 14:51:49 Oh yeah baby.
Me rich Hong Kong girl.
Buy u house also ok ! No problem.
堅嬲炎 2019-10-13 14:54:45 Omg chapstick bro u r humorous
容卷兒 2019-10-13 14:54:47 My pussy started wetting when I saw your US passport
要叫咩名好 2019-10-13 14:55:06
肯亞西💥👊 2019-10-13 14:55:12 USA USA USA 🇺🇸


無路處自有天命 2019-10-13 14:55:34 thanks for your help
有咩好做 2019-10-13 14:55:58 Do you think America is in a cold war with China? Just like the Soviet Union. Is Russia still the major enemy of US. I want to know how Americans think of the CCP. Is it a threat that must be eliminated or is it a country that can coexist with the free world.
一秒醒神 2019-10-13 14:56:31 Dun post yr own details lolll ignore those ppl who aask u to tell yr identity.. theres popo monitoringg
Arp_15 2019-10-13 14:57:10
堅嬲炎 2019-10-13 14:58:28 Truee!!! Be aware !!
電動牙刷 2019-10-13 14:58:55 Hi Bro, please invite more US citizen join lihkg, we need more support from US
海龜狙擊手 2019-10-13 14:59:29 Welcome to LIHKG
MiloMan 2019-10-13 15:00:56 how can we believe you ? may be u are police undercover try to get information from us?
MiloMan 2019-10-13 15:02:59 white castle or five guys burger?
修正 2019-10-13 15:03:25 Push


Lefty_Hand_Cream 2019-10-13 15:04:59 thank you so much Sir
一哥(電光火石) 2019-10-13 15:07:19 shake shack please
李卓時空旅人 2019-10-13 15:07:31 Wendy’s or MCD?
返工聽日又要返工 2019-10-13 15:08:11 We love USA