Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019
@siuyeong 2019-12-14 02:31:23

⚠️ Recent suicide record: According to reports, at 1:35 pm yesterday, a 66-year-old woman committed suicide at Block (Tower) 2, Robinson Place, Mid-Levels. According to records, this is the 3rd suicide case yesterday and the 24th suicide case this month, and 20 of them have died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】


@siuyeong 2019-12-15 00:03:53

⚠️ Recent suicide record: According to reports, at 8 pm yesterday, a woman attempted suicide at Upper height, The Papillons, Tseung Kwan O. According to records, this is already the 4th suicide case yesterday and the 28th suicide case this month, and 22 of them have died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
懶得諗 2019-12-15 00:05:33
btw 依家要多啲文宣呀! 有低門檻玩法, 入嚟睇吓啦!
[行動] 解決目前文宣困局--A4 size label 周圍貼! 人人都係文宣組!
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
藍莓珍珠 2019-12-15 00:45:46 【仲有冇火??】1231築人鏈 1月1日街上見!!!!
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
ximee 2019-12-15 00:50:58 keep up the good work
@siuyeong 2019-12-16 00:08:39

A total of 981 suicide cases were recorded, of which 689 died, an average of 2.8 cases per day. A total of 51 cases were recorded last month, with an average of 1.7 cases per day. Compared with the monthly average of 85 cases in the past 3 months, it has been reduced by about 40%. The average of 2.1 cases in the past 10 days and 1.78 cases in the past 50 days.

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
@siuyeong 2019-12-17 02:22:36

⚠️ A recent suicide record: According to reports, at 7 pm yesterday, a 64-year-old woman committed suicide in Yan Ching House, Kai Ching Estate, Kowloon City. According to records, this is the 4th suicide case yesterday and the 33th suicide case this month, and 27 of them have died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
原由柏実 2019-12-17 04:59:26 見佢一度close咗片



佢嘅身份 同條片感染力好強

做得好 可以有烏克蘭少女片效果


之前啲tweet share嘅Fb link 死咗
發現日本文tweet有YouTube link
Pls retweet and like /comment依個


[最強英文文宣!勁過環保少女]唐英年老婆姪女拍6分鐘片控訴 :擁有投票權與自由人權的美國,像和共產國家躺在同一張床上。
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

放上tg Twitter/reddit

@siuyeong 2019-12-18 00:14:48

⚠️ Recent suicide record: According to reports, at 2 pm yesterday, a 58-year-old man suspected of committing suicide due to health problems at Fook Yat House, Fortune Estate, Cheung Sha Wan. According to records, this is the first suicide case yesterday and the 34th suicide case this month, and 28 of them died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
@siuyeong 2019-12-19 00:03:50

⚠️ Recent suicide record: According to a report, at 14:52 yesterday, a 14-year-old man committed suicide at Lok Seen Lau, Lok Man Sun Chuen Sites 1 And 2, To Kwa Wan. According to records, this is the 5th suicide case yesterday and the 39th suicide case this month, and 31 of them have died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
薯仔哥基 2019-12-19 20:18:11 For fuck’s sake

They didn’t kill themselves

The shit cops did



@siuyeong 2019-12-20 00:09:44

⚠️ Recent suicide record: According to reports, at about 5 pm yesterday, a 32-year-old man committed suicide in Shoreline, King Wan St, To Kwa Wan. According to records, this is the first suicide case yesterday and the 40th suicide case this month, and 32 people died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
TeaFrog 2019-12-20 12:05:34 can try my breast to help, let me know if you need any translation help.
@siuyeong 2019-12-21 00:26:24

A total of 996 suicide cases were recorded, and 698 deaths were reported among 1011 people, an average of 2.81 cases per day. A total of 51 cases were recorded last month, with an average of 1.7 cases per day. Compared with the monthly average of 85 cases in the past 3 months, it has been reduced by about 40%. The average of 2.5 cases in the past 10 days and 1.86 cases in the past 50 days.

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
@siuyeong 2019-12-21 00:26:48 [quote]

⚠️ Record of a recent suicide: According to a report, at about 5 pm yesterday, a 36-year-old woman was found to have committed suicide at Mei Wai House, Mei Lam Estate, Tai Wai. According to records, this is the 3rd suicide case yesterday and the 43th suicide case this month, and 35 of them have died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
@siuyeong 2019-12-21 00:26:59

⚠️ Record of a recent suicide: According to a report, at about 5 pm yesterday, a 36-year-old woman was found to have committed suicide at Mei Wai House, Mei Lam Estate, Tai Wai. According to records, this is the 3rd suicide case yesterday and the 43th suicide case this month, and 35 of them have died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
平凡一個 2019-12-21 00:37:48 Push
平凡一個 2019-12-21 15:17:10 作者有冇諗過將你呢份report俾Solomon Yue?近排出現太多被自殺cases,阻止辦法就係要令外國知道佢地先冇咁瘋狂
@siuyeong 2019-12-21 15:18:44 已從多途徑(包括公開地及直接地)提供相關資料
我係打手 2019-12-21 18:35:32 up
@siuyeong 2019-12-22 00:06:18

A total of 1002 suicides were recorded, 703 of which were reported in 1017 deaths, an average of 2.81 cases per day. A total of 51 cases were recorded last month, with an average of 1.7 cases per day. Compared with the monthly average of 85 cases in the past 3 months, it has been reduced by about 40%. The average of 2.9 cases in the past 10 days and 1.94 cases in the past 50 days.

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】


孤獨戰士 2019-12-22 11:57:16 此回覆已被刪除
@siuyeong 2019-12-23 00:15:23

⚠️ Record of a recent suicide: According to a report, at 10:24 am yesterday, a 42-year-old woman was found to have committed suicide at No. 108, Portland St, Mong Kok. According to records, this is the first suicide case yesterday and the 50th suicide case this month, and 41 of them died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
@siuyeong 2019-12-24 00:15:35

⚠️ Record of a recent suicide case: According to a report, at 11:23 am yesterday, a 54-year-old man was found to have suspected suicide due to health problems at Shoreline, Hung Hom Ferry Pier, Hung Hom. According to records, this is already the 4th suicide case yesterday and the 54th suicide case this month, and 43 of them died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
小小鹹卜卜脆 2019-12-24 00:27:36 Up