Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019
@siuyeong 2019-12-5 10:30:07


屎味朱古力 2019-12-5 11:34:40 英國美國加拿大都攻擊緊中國

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@siuyeong 2019-12-5 13:27:34
@siuyeong 2019-12-5 14:13:46
@siuyeong 2019-12-5 16:43:47
@siuyeong 2019-12-5 18:11:35
@siuyeong 2019-12-5 20:18:26
@siuyeong 2019-12-5 21:48:23
@siuyeong 2019-12-6 00:05:08

⚠️ Recent suicide record: According to reports, at 2 pm yesterday, a 29-year-old man committed suicide at Sun Ming House, Sun Chui Estate, Tai Wai. According to records, this is the first suicide case yesterday and the sixth suicide case this month, and five of them died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

// Statistical data will only reflect the overall objective facts and will not be fuel for any discussion. Except for substantive evidence that tells us the truth, other figures can only be used as a general reference. //

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
@siuyeong 2019-12-6 00:07:24
@siuyeong 2019-12-6 00:10:58


@siuyeong 2019-12-6 09:43:24

⚠️ Record of a recent suicide case: According to reports, at 11:00 pm yesterday, a 30-year-old man suspected of attempting suicide due to relationship issue at Footbridge, MTR Station, Fanling. According to records, this is already the second suicide case yesterday and the seventh suicide case this month, and five of them have died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

// Statistical data will only reflect the overall objective facts and will not be fuel for any discussion. Except for substantive evidence that tells us the truth, other figures can only be used as a general reference. //

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
@siuyeong 2019-12-6 10:17:16
@siuyeong 2019-12-6 11:30:37 .
@siuyeong 2019-12-6 17:17:15 .
@siuyeong 2019-12-6 18:38:13 .
@siuyeong 2019-12-6 20:56:10 .
@siuyeong 2019-12-7 00:02:56

⚠️ Record of a recent suicide: According to reports, at 8 am yesterday, a 58-year-old man committed suicide at Upper height, Aldrich Garden, Aldrich Bay. According to records, this is the 4th suicide case yesterday and the 11th suicide case this month, and 9 of them died. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

A total of 944 suicide cases were recorded, of which 665 died, an average of 2.77 cases per day. A total of 51 cases were recorded last month, with an average of 1.7 cases per day. Compared with the monthly average of 86 cases in the past 3 months, it is down by 40.47%. With an average of 2 cases in the past 10 days and an average of 1.98 cases in the past 50 days.

// Statistical data will only reflect the overall objective facts and will not be fuel for any discussion. Except for substantive evidence that tells us the truth, other figures can only be used as a general reference. //

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
@siuyeong 2019-12-7 14:41:49

⚠️ Record of a recent suicide: According to reports, at 12:59 today, a 20-year-old woman suspected of committing suicide due to health problems at Lok Kwan Lau, Lok Man Sun Chuen Sites 1 And 2, To Kwa Wan. According to records, this is the first suicide case today and the twelfth suicide case this month, and 10 of them have died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
大根妹 2019-12-7 14:42:54 此回覆已被刪除
@siuyeong 2019-12-7 15:13:15 .


@siuyeong 2019-12-7 21:42:30 .
@siuyeong 2019-12-8 00:05:24

A total of 945 suicide cases were recorded, of which 666 died, an average of 2.76 cases per day. A total of 51 cases were recorded last month, with an average of 1.7 cases per day. Compared with the monthly average of 86 cases in the past 3 months, it is down by 40.47%. With an average of 1.9 cases in the past 10 days and an average of 1.92 cases in the past 50 days.

// Statistical data will only reflect the overall objective facts and will not be fuel for any discussion. Except for substantive evidence that tells us the truth, other figures can only be used as a general reference. //

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
@siuyeong 2019-12-8 01:49:57 .
@siuyeong 2019-12-8 13:42:03 .