2019-10-11 17:41:14
I really believed in what she experienced but as I also knew about her past I really doubt her credibility. I’m not saying she is not worth trust because of her being notorious sexually but she has a terrible history of making false accusations. I was one of the victims.
2019-10-11 17:51:53
2019-10-11 18:10:44
Come on. if you want to hurt her credibility, find some script that is LESS professional! The logic and style of writing is too much like CCP Textbook of smearing people
We are not easy to be fooled.
But I can learn a lot from your writing though.
Get the benefits$$ from whoever paid you,... Leave her alone!!
2019-10-11 18:19:57
When you want to attack a person so badly that you show ALL the KEYWORDS, you are in TROUBLE!! You showed your intention too quickly.
I give your writing "B++ " on smearing others !!
You can be more professional in your line of business to trash others if you are more patient in your writing and do not show your intention to TRASH right away !
1. 以暴力/性侵/甚至殺害被捕人士
2. 恐嚇會對付家人,滅聲
3. 如有人事後敢企圖站出來發聲或提出控訴,先派五毛對當時人作人格謀殺
4. 忽然會有自稱認識當事人的「好友」,抹黑當事人,話曾經被欺騙,勸大家不要信當事人
5. 派公安或黑社會用盡方法恐嚇當事人及其家人
6. 迫當事人拍攝片段或文字澄清,自己之前所說的都是虛構
7. 繼續重覆第一點,直至無人敢繼續抗爭