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Picks.(Pigs) 2019-12-27 19:16:26 OP:
By: 思穎妹妹/Si Wing the Younger Sister
記者朋友們請進,關於平安夜霜夜大遊行取消原因 (Part 2)
For journalists: The reasons why the Silent Night March is cancelled

You may take a look at the pictures below for the path the HKPF specified:




The width of the sidewalk outside of the Emperor Centre is 3 m only. How could 20,000 people possibly pass through there?
Also, some railings along the waterfront were replaced with iron chains.
In case an emergency happens, it is likely we would find mysterious corpses floating in the sea again.




This picture shows the path the HKPF specified.
The width of the sidewalk is 1.5 m only.
Is it safe for a rally with 20,000 people?
I believe you have formed your opinion already.***[/This section is important]***

There were two reasons of us not appealing.

1. Time was limited.
We were afraid we did not have enough time to promote the new march time and route, uninformed participants might enter the original path.
Judging by the way the HKPF have been handling peaceful rallies in recent months, even our march was conducted peacefully, the HKPF would surely announce it as an unlawful assembly and disperse the crowd with brutal force.

2. Historically, the role of the HKPF in rallies has been to maintain public order.
However, as you may have known, the HKPF have now become the observers.
Once they observe an action which they can easily allege as offending the law, they would rush into the crowd, subdue the person with brutal force, and announce the rally as an 'unlawful assembly'.
Then they would use tear gas, pepper-spray balls, bean-bag bullets, rubber bullets, or even live armament to threaten and disperse the peaceful crowd.

Due to concerns about public safety, we have no choice but to decide not to appeal and cancel the march.

We would also like to announce that, to ensure the personal safety of protesters, we are not going to hold any rally until the HKPF no longer incite, act hostile, or use excessive force against the protesters, and truly fulfil their oath when they became police:

"I, (Officer's Name) (swear by Almighty God, do solemnly and sincerely declare) that I will well and faithfully serve the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region according to law as a police officer, that I will obey uphold and maintain the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region that I will execute the powers and duties of my office honestly, faithfully and diligently without fear of or favour to any person and with malice or ill-will toward none, and that I will obey without question all lawful orders of those set in authority over me."

Team Si Wing @ LIHKG
24 Dec 2019

1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.
2. We are not associated with the LIHKG forum in whichever ways. We are a volunteer group whose operation is completely independent of the LIHKG forum.


職業毒撚 2020-1-1 15:03:35
醉愛東尼 2020-1-3 14:56:49
Picks.(Pigs) 2020-1-11 15:52:19 OP:
By: 山本一夫/Kazuo Yamamoto

[Tear-inducing] A Taiwanese woman talks about life with her Hong Kong frontliner boyfriend.

I rarely talk about my love life, but for the election, I decided to tell everyone this.

Last year, I met my other half. He’s a Hongkonger, an office worker, and a frontline protester.

Ordinary couples may kiss and hold hands, but these are luxuries to us.
Every weekend when my other half takes it to the streets, I would keep my phone checked but refrain myself from sending him messages, lest I would distract and give him troubles.
If he remains inactive for more than two hours, I would start checking Telegram for arrestment news and see if he is arrested.
Every weekend I would stay awake until late for his messages, then we would chat a little and go to bed.

To be honest with you, none of us were responsible lovers.
But now that he is under to such high risks every week, this mode of communication has made us trust each other more;
Time is short, we don’t want to waste our time on speculating and arguing with each other.
Whether we would have tomorrow we don’t know, we can only cherish our time now.

I remember when we first met, he was the typical type of Hong Kong man, mean and realistic.
He would say to me, “I love you with my actions, I don’t just say, “I love you.””
But now, every “I love you” from him before he returns to the streets becomes a prick in my heart;
It tears me up and makes me feel very bad.

It is because of him, I lost a lot of weight, as every week I would carry lots to the post office to send him things.
It is because of him, I start staying up late, as I hope to cheer him up when he is feeling insomniac.

Every time he asks me if I would like to live with him in Hong Kong, I reject him, because I know one day my Taiwanese nationality may save his life, even he told me he would never leave in the middle of the fight.
Even the number of arrestments keeps increasing, he insists to hit the front line every week, because fewer frontliners would mean more dangers for those that make it to the front line.

It is because of the anti-ELAB movement, we couldn’t get to spend Christmas and New Year together.
Apart from not feeling it, safety has also become our concern.
He doesn’t want me to come to Hong Kong, while he refuses to leave Hong Kong mid-way through the battle. But I am still thankful that he has made me stronger, and I now know how to love better.

On Christmas day, he recorded me a song.

He said, “Since the first day of the movement, I’ve prepared to be arrested or even die. But because of you, I can never fall or die in peace.”

Dear readers, please treasure your everyday quarrels with your other half, for these are ordinary but hard-won happiness. It may not be that far-off the day we would have to brave ourselves on the streets and fight for freedom in Taiwan.

On November 1st, for him and for our future, I will cast my vote. I hope all of you in Taiwan can help us fight for happiness as well, thank you.
1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.
2. We are not associated with the LIHKG forum in whichever ways. We are a volunteer group whose operation is completely independent of the LIHKG forum.
5wingboy 2020-1-14 14:11:40
另一舊磚 2020-1-14 15:22:49 Push
潦倒人生 2020-1-14 17:38:54 Warning! 中共潮興用「洋五毛」抹黑手足!!

潦倒人生 2020-1-14 19:35:16 【緊急】好多白人左翼抹黑香港人!!!
蘋果蛋治 2020-1-15 15:17:15
Picks.(Pigs) 2020-1-19 12:39:26 OP:

By: 黑簡迪 Kante

Anyone sense the movement is quieting down?

Quiet down and what's left is just you yourself
But actually all bros and sis' are contributing relentlessly in what they do best
It's only you who stopped and gave up
So you feel it's quieting down

1. Promotion Team
- Publish over a hundred of different types of promotions every day
- Have you read all? Have you shared it? Have you explained it to the elderly?

2. Lennon Wall Team
- Every week, the wall is torn down by the Government's Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, and the blue ribbons, under the riot police's protection.
- Then every other day you see bros and sis' rebuild the Lennon Wall
- Have you read and studied the messages?
- Have you ever thought of helping to glue the posters on the wall, or keep a lookout so that those who are rebuilding the wall would not be attacked/harassed?

3. Yellow Economic Circle Platform
- Varies type of Yellow Economic Circle Platform apps are now available. Have you downloaded them?
- Eat with you/ Pay with you/ WhatsGap/ Neo Guide/ Ethical shops (go download the details yourself)
- These platforms have over thousands of data entry not yet done, which requires many hours every day just to compile for our use.

4. Yellow shops
- Shops which aren't afraid to voice out
- At all times stand with Hongkongers, and never give up
- Has everyone "punished" them yet?
(*"Punish" in LIHKG's context means to consume all the products until the shop has nothing to sell)

5. Arrestment Support
- Every time a bro/sis is arrested, there'll always be someone to post screenshots of their arrested moment for others to identify.

6. Lawyers
- Every lawyer from Spark Alliance/ 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund is tirelessly helping out the arrestees

7. Remand Prisoners Support
- Write letters/ Christmas cards/ Shout to support outside remand centres/ donate to bros and sis' for their better meals

8. Bros and Sis' Support
- Many students encounter financial difficulties
- Require financial aid from the employed
- Some bros and sis' are kicked out of their homes by their families who support the opposite side, and require kind-hearted people to provide accommodation

9. Lunar New Year Fair
- Many districts' new year fairs are almost ready

10. District Council
- Liberate district councils
- Hammer the pro-government camp in all directions

11. Twitter
- Read, comment and share on Twitter every day

12. Purchase at Yellow Shops

13. Sentinel Team
- 24-hour report

14. Support and attend court trials
Attend court trials to support bros and sis everyday

15. Trade Unions
Prepare for general strikes

16. Revolutionaries
- Commit their lives and youth to fight for every one of us

And many others, the list goes on

In short, rather than just saying "everyone really seems to have quieted down recently," let's think about how you can take one step further.

Persist until we win
Everybody keeps going on
1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.
2. We are not associated with the LIHKG forum in whichever ways. We are a volunteer group whose operation is completely independent of the LIHKG forum.
Picks.(Pigs) 2020-1-19 12:51:32 OP:

BY: 殺人魔警曾家輝 Killer Cop Tsang Ka Fai
(Source: Y.t.Chan @ The News Lens)

Why the Hong Kong Police Aren't Patrolling As Much.

The Hong Kong Police Force has exposed its true colours as local outlaws. Even the pro-government civilians won't be spared.

What we want you to know is that the police have recently reduced the number of patrols in the streets, and the number of robberies has risen as a result. The police put the blame on the movement, but this is just as unconvincing as their claims of their handling (or lack thereof) of the 721 Yuen Long Attack. They want their importance to be recognized, so they are deliberately letting crime get out of hand.

In Tai Kok Tsui, I talked to a waiter about law and order in the area. He lamented that burglaries have frequently occurred in recent months. According to him, the gangsters seized the opportunity to prey on those shops with glass sliding doors. With a small wrench, they can easily break the tempered glass doors. His restaurant was almost burgled. Fortunately, when the thief broke in, he ran into the boss who woke up due to the noise and fled with his tail between his legs.

The wait staff also said that there would be robberies in the area in the middle of the night. He said he didn’t understand why the police would take such a lazy attitude toward the deteriorating law and order.

In fact, from January to November 2019, robbery and burglary cases in Hong Kong surged by more than 27% and 44% respectively over the same period last year. [1] Newspapers have frequently reported jewelry shop robberies in recent months, and you may hear people talking about law and order everywhere around you. The police blamed the problem on the movement, saying that the thieves had committed crimes while the police were too busy dealing with the protesters. Such sophistry is as blatant and shameful as the police’s claims that they did not have enough staff to stop the 721 terrorist attacks.

It’s worth noting that the Hong Kong Police Force has a full force of 30,000 police officers. Not only are they equipped with powerful weaponry, but they also have the most pervasive detection network and technology. On top of that, there’s never a ceiling to their overtime claims. How can such a sizable "ring" be so incompetent? They haven't only failed to make good use of their staff, but they also aren't taking any action to solve the above problems.

A reasonable explanation is that the police have completely let their guard down in order to remind the public of their importance; in other words, that the police are irreplaceable -- they and their properties are not protected without the police. At the same time, they are also taking the opportunity to play the public opinion game and try to induce the public to turn their dissatisfaction away from them and towards the demonstrators. However, many people also know that, in addition to the deeply-rooted conflicts in the city, the movement also stems from the Chinese Liaison’s Office’s ruthless and unreasonable rule of Hong Kong on top of Carrie Lam’s incompetent administration. The police also blamed the deterioration of public order on those who have endured their tyranny, which is equivalent to blaming the victim. People who are sensible would simply not agree to that.

(Editor's note: scroll down for part 2


Picks.(Pigs) 2020-1-19 12:53:57 OP:
警隊減少在街上巡邏的原因 (part 2)
Why the Hong Kong Police Aren't Patrolling As Much? (part 2)

What's ugly is that the police have fully exposed their true colours and they will not put the safety of the citizens - regardless of Yellows or Blues - at the top of their list. Even if you were to support the government and the police, you won’t receive any help now that the police are indulging the criminals. It is because the police’s ultimate order is to only protect those in power, their big bosses. Therefore, civilians can only pray for their own safety. If a few people were wearing black, the police would appear in seconds. Robbery? You had better wait as there are no patrolling policemen around.

When the masks of justice and law and order break, the police force is unfortunately no different from local outlaws. As the Chinese saying goes, “You will be sentenced for stealing a hook, but you would enjoy fame and wealth for stealing a country”. The police are similar to the triads: they both serve their own big boss. With a couple of thousand people, you will be called a triad but with thirty-thousand of you leeching off of public funding to service those in power, you would become the Hong Kong Police.
1. Views expressed in OP do not necessarily reflect ours. We try our best to curate and translate trending contents on #LIHKG for you.
2. We are not associated with the LIHKG forum in whichever ways. We are a volunteer group whose operation is completely independent of the LIHKG forum.
馬斯垣上校 2020-1-19 12:55:09
精子圍牆 2020-1-19 12:58:50
發夢見到 2020-1-20 08:47:00 好有心機,推
馬斯垣上校 2020-1-23 22:06:20
馬斯垣上校 2020-1-23 22:07:01
安娜錦之宮。 2020-1-24 00:02:31 Posh
許魏洲 2020-1-24 02:06:39 其實有冇得問下英文, 有時好想回下twitter 都諗極都唔知點寫
奧燒美羊 2020-1-24 02:17:15
Karl-Lagerfeld 2020-1-27 00:36:26 Thank you for the team contribution on propaganda, lets spread the truth to world!
And I want to share my own experience of having the blue ribbon friends from oversea, i find that is not all of them are really know about HK police brutality, just like my ABC FD (USA), his parent is come from HK either, seriously i'm not surprise that they are blue ribbon, but my friend is just a youngster, living in a country with speech freedom and human right, he is against the protesters and called them cockroach, i'm really mad at him.
One more things ,he said HK police is very kind to comparing with US police, because US police will shot them. In fact, many innocent students were shot by police and the youngsters are vanishing by mysterious reason, are you kidding me? If US police are bad, bad things should be improve and correct it , not to compare.


Karl-Lagerfeld 2020-1-27 00:37:24 下次POST來睇下,大家一齊諗下點樣講
許魏洲 2020-1-27 00:43:22 THX巴打
我有睇 Twitter 英文補習呢個channel
我想講, 我淨係識Thank you 果啲外國議員同叫佢地stand with hk , 多一句都冇

Karl-Lagerfeld 2020-1-27 00:46:07 我英文都唔係太好,一齊多講就得,我係用中文思維諗左先再用英文改,加油加油,比外國人知道香港發生咩事好重要
許魏洲 2020-1-28 14:40:59