[突發] 前幾日隻國際最大文宣game俾google censor左
Findmebaby 2019-10-8 23:04:19


茫點 2019-10-8 23:04:26
armarmho 2019-10-8 23:04:27 求tweet出去同email助攻
香港迪斯 2019-10-8 23:04:37 一齊推
Findmebaby 2019-10-8 23:04:46 tweet左
Woah 2019-10-8 23:04:50 推呀 巴打寫隻game寫得好有心機!!
armarmho 2019-10-8 23:05:11 唉屌,無諗過google都奶到咁
armarmho 2019-10-8 23:05:21 求tweet出去同email助攻
God_of_Hammer 2019-10-8 23:05:41 Twitter要人
Woah 2019-10-8 23:06:06 屌推上熱門
armarmho 2019-10-8 23:06:31


Findmebaby 2019-10-8 23:06:37
ximee 2019-10-8 23:06:41 Push internationally!
Why are they banning it??
armarmho 2019-10-8 23:07:02 求tweet

armarmho 2019-10-8 23:07:12 感激
消防車厘龜 2019-10-8 23:07:30 老實講投訴應該冇咩用

既然隻驚係 text-based rpg,
不如諗下變 web app,
咁咪唔洗煩上架同唔同 platform,
bigsmile1k 2019-10-8 23:07:33 Google is quite strict on material.
Need to play with their game rules.
Not sure if they are available to tell you the details on why it is blocked and what can be fixed.

Some ideas:
-TRY again.
- Set up another gmail account.
- Modify the content , keywords a little bit and see how it goes.
- BUT CCP/Blue Ribbon will keep on Reporting Violations and try to ask Google to review.....
Give it a try..

I understand the EXTREME frustrationsssss....
三步中出西門 2019-10-8 23:07:57 google不嬲奶
大碌竹霸 2019-10-8 23:08:38 此回覆已被刪除
armarmho 2019-10-8 23:08:38 Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my concern of the suspension of The Revolution of Our Times I.

The app allows the world to experience what Hongkongers have gone through in the past few months. I honestly can't see why it has to be removed from the play store.

Yours sincerely,
A Hongkonger
armarmho 2019-10-8 23:09:01 之前仲有張圖話google唔奶


God_of_Hammer 2019-10-8 23:09:10
armarmho 2019-10-8 23:09:40 其實我get唔到衰乜,應該要改D咩
armarmho 2019-10-8 23:09:56
樂子 2019-10-8 23:10:08 GOOGLE奶共狗