關鍵時刻 2019-10-31 18:03:56 似係
我月頭用電話上pps 網人手交都無咁既事


關鍵時刻 2019-10-31 18:04:11 用電腦
藍星人 2019-11-1 10:35:07
叮噹不要老 2019-11-1 10:40:05
殺龍Bra絲 2019-11-3 07:15:28
Fast1371 2019-11-3 09:23:24
windchime 2019-11-3 18:39:11 牛肉乾唔得
連登大 2019-11-3 21:49:02 拎左黎還學費
海馬牌床褥 2019-11-4 20:05:33
自動貓操作員 2019-11-5 10:28:46
我是牛我是牛 2019-11-7 13:29:11


土生香港人 2019-11-7 21:33:42 此回覆已被刪除
John.Linux 2019-11-7 22:45:18
P唔走個P牌 2019-11-8 13:12:06 唔得
鵝滿是快烙好耳痛 2019-11-9 02:32:52 丟奶,我自首,我想撳讚撳錯隔離又取消唔到
Dieyoung 2019-11-9 11:32:09
勇武港女 2019-11-9 11:36:30
火山子 2019-11-9 11:44:52 網上銀行用「常恆指示」每日交一蚊有無得稔
勇武港女 2019-11-9 11:57:50 可以,但每日最多50次
真俊華 2019-11-9 21:58:57 大家記得申請暫緩繳交暫繳稅

真俊華 2019-11-9 22:01:28


火山子 2019-11-10 00:08:21 但用銀行服務係咪經FPS?FPS好似收費無咁貴..
跨越同溫層很難 2019-11-11 02:12:25 能力所限,我加咗幾行處理驗證碼 (autohotkey)
如果無入錯嘢,每次執行個script可以交50次 ($1.01+1.02+.. +1.50 = 62.75)

;五大訴求, 缺一不可
;Five demands, not one less

;Change the following 5 setting
PageWaitSec := 1500 ;Time to wait between switching pages, 3000 is 3 sec
SendWaitSec := 3000 ;Time to wait after pressing the PAY button to confirm the payment, 8000 is 8 sec
BillRowToPay := 3 ;If the bill you want to pay is on row 1 in the pps website. Set this to 1. If it is in row 10, change it to 10. etc...
AmountToPay := 1.01
NumTimeToPay := 50

;Pause for 5 sec to switch to the correct browser windows
Sleep, 5000

Loop, %NumTimeToPay% {

 ;Tab pass the PPS header
 Click 100,100 ;click the logo to get ready to tab
 Send {Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab} ;This would go pass all the header button

 ;Tab to the correct row of the bill
 Loop, %BillRowToPay% {
  Send {Tab}
 Send {Enter} ;select the correct bill to pay
 Sleep, %PageWaitSec%

 ;Set the amount to pay for each transaction and wait for next page to load
 ;Tab pass the PPS header
 ;Click 50,50 ;交稅時請將開頭個「;」del,水費/ 差餉唔駛改
 ;Send {Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab} ;交稅時請將開頭個「;」del,水費/ 差餉唔駛改
 ;Send {Down}{Tab} 交稅時請將開頭個「;」del,水費/ 差餉唔駛改
 Send %AmountToPay%{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}
 Send {Enter}

 ; Message box to hold for captcha
 ; 輸入驗證碼並按繼續進行, 才回來按 OK

 if (Mod(A_Index, 10) = 0) {
  ; MsgBox, 0,, %A_Index%: 輸入 captcha 驗證碼並按繼續進行才回來按 OK, 600
  MsgBox, 0,, %A_Index%: enter captcha and click Proceed before this OK button, 600

 Sleep, %PageWaitSec%

 ;Confirm Payment
 Send {Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Enter} ;This would goes to the PAY button and clikc it
 Sleep, %SendWaitSec%

 AmountToPay += 0.01
 AmountToPay := Round(AmountToPay, 2)

 ;Go back to the top to start over
 Send {Tab}{Enter} ;Go back to the pay Bill tab and start all over
 Sleep, %PageWaitSec%


; End
關鍵時刻 2019-11-11 18:22:27
綠色巨人 2019-11-11 18:25:06 Support