欄上的波子 2019-10-5 16:54:13 尋晚Soloman Yue已經表明左份宣言係共牒做,不論個指控真定假,都證明呢個方法行唔通,亦引黎被扣上港獨同唔承認基本法嘅合法性,只要變成港獨,5大訴求亦唔會再存在,而係運動變成香港人向中共集團宣戰。


1. 正式宣告收回成立臨時政府宣言
2. 承認以梁繼平佔領立法會時之宣言為運動的目標及方向





Dear Hongkongers,

We are protesters from the civic society. If there’s a choice, we wish we didn’t have to protest against tyranny with our own bodies, and didn’t have to occupy the Hong Kong Legislative Council as a bargaining chip in negotiations with the Government. But the Government has put aside all principles and procedures, ignored the demands of Hong Kong People, and repeated their lame arguments and lied over and over again. By facing with this rule and unreasonable government, we will have no choice but to fight back with justice, conscience and love of both Hong Kong and HongKongers.

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has been established for 22 years, and both the political and economic situation are getting worse. After Carrie Lam became the Chief Executive, the situation of Hong Kong become worse. The Government has been ignoring the demands of millions of Hong Kong people, and pushed for the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance Amendment Bill (a.k.a Extradition Bill to China).
Out of their love for Hong Kong, HongKongers have been trying all methods in June to try to pursuade the government to withdraw the Bill. Some did so peacefully, some bravely, some rationally, some even got injured. However, the Government decided to ignore the public, and started treating people as enemies.

The current Government of Hong Kong is no longer putting HongKongers as first priority. To ensure the voice of the Hong Kong people are heard, we, Hong Kong citizens, are forced to take non-cooperative actions, like occupying streets, or even the Legislative Council today.
Society may criticize us for the occupy action today. But what is the main reason for the sharp division in society? What is the main cause of the ever-increasing public grievance? Why is HongKongers being forced into this position? We are not armed, nor being violent, we are only moving forward bravely with a heart of justice, hoping the Government will get back on the right track in time.

We, protesters, are now requesting the Government, for the following five appeals:-
1/ Completely withdraw Extradition Bill.
2/ Retract the proclamation that protests on 9th June and 12th June were riots
3/ Withdraw criminal charges against all protesters
4/ Thoroughly investigate abuse of powers by the police.
5/ Dissolve the Legislative Council by administrative order, and immediately implement Dual Universal Suffrage.
Since the “Hong Kong Anti-Extradition Bill Protest” began, three martyrs have died already. We will not forget our sadness and our anger, but we will keep kindness in our hearts, and we wish no more people will die for the cause of freedom, justice and democracy. We hope the society will stick together, fight against tyranny and draconian laws, and protect Hong Kong together.


欄上的波子 2019-10-5 16:54:59 自推1/10
欄上的波子 2019-10-5 16:55:15 2/10
欄上的波子 2019-10-5 16:55:59 3/10
講起就嬲 2019-10-5 16:56:31
揹著個海行路 2019-10-5 16:56:34 幫推
迷濛 2019-10-5 16:56:37
社畜格 2019-10-5 16:56:39
抗韓大使 2019-10-5 16:56:43
流言蜚蜚 2019-10-5 16:56:55 此回覆已被刪除
扯旗頂到下巴 2019-10-5 16:57:12 幫推


小明2018 2019-10-5 16:57:40 推,其實有d野真係可以係枱底做
最後晚飯 2019-10-5 16:58:10 星期日 1400 港島九龍自己揀

仲有唔夠24個鐘 一齊討論下?
測試員 2019-10-5 16:58:11 此回覆已被刪除
涼冷氣軍師 2019-10-5 16:59:06 此回覆已被刪除
欄上的波子 2019-10-5 16:59:34 今次議員開到口,唔可以擺喺度唔理
少理爸爸大奶奶 2019-10-5 16:59:48 大家話搞港獨易D定叫英國收返香港易D?
其實,點解唔諗諗 " 中英聯合聲明失效 " 哩個方向?

一旦國際認同 " 中英聯合聲明失效 " ,即係話中國唔再有香港合法管治權,而英國亦可以明正言順收返香港!



追風箏的野孩子 2019-10-5 17:00:03 冷處理

流言蜚蜚 2019-10-5 17:01:00 此回覆已被刪除
欄上的波子 2019-10-5 17:02:21 值得諗,但問題係好多巴絲尋晚都走左出黎讀宣言
流言蜚蜚 2019-10-5 17:02:41 此回覆已被刪除


記憶卡 2019-10-5 17:03:49 贊成收回,但更贊成冷處理
西坐霸王 2019-10-5 17:04:08 唔出聲咪當無左回事囉,好多外國新聞都無報到。
一直在畀人玩命 2019-10-5 17:04:35 呢個moment 唔再講就得喇
。記你老母。 2019-10-5 17:05:26 此回覆已被刪除