鼻子掉了 2019-10-6 11:17:33 次序好緊要


很有性趣 2019-10-6 11:36:43 推!!
人在遠方 2019-10-6 11:38:48 成件事係市民制止持槍暴徒
森無無∅ 2019-10-6 11:39:18
唔好再上心啦 2019-10-6 11:39:32
聖姑 2019-10-6 11:39:49
辣面城城 2019-10-6 11:40:45
改咩名好啊喵 2019-10-6 11:43:09 Push!!!!!
西visit 2019-10-6 11:44:15 Push
倔強柴犬 2019-10-6 12:11:28
死廢青青青 2019-10-6 12:13:28


六月之殤 2019-10-6 12:14:41
真・女神嘉欣 2019-10-6 12:16:03 遊乃強個撚樣有去醫院
驢萎蔥 2019-10-6 12:16:12
唔睇電視 2019-10-6 12:19:40 一定要推,你見差佬守著屯門醫院,唔俾病人接觸外界,就明顯知道佢怕記者索到料出新聞

跪求offer 2019-10-6 12:22:31
二宮太太 2019-10-6 12:27:28
巴絲光眠 2019-10-6 12:30:06 呢D外國人本身就係良知喪盡,食花生扮客觀理性.
今日香港,明日世界啦,柒頭. 到時揾火星人食花生扮客觀理性咁去問返佢,點解你地會咁架?
奇力島島民 2019-10-6 12:31:13
濕鳩才子 2019-10-6 12:47:35 Detailed process of the shooting in Yuen Long on 4 October 2019

1. The police constable concerned stopped the private car (it is suspected he bumped into a person(s) while driving; some believed that he was at that time obstructed by roadblocks. Video clips of the scene / further clarification is needed)

2. The police constable, still in the private car, was then surrounded by a group of citizens at the scene. A dispute between the two parties ensued.

3. The police constable got off the private car and was pressing his waist with his hand, but he did not reveal his identity.

4. The citizens then rushed to the police constable.

5. A gunshot was heard.

6. Some citizens dispersed, while some kept surrounding the police constable.

7. All citizens dispersed. The first petrol bomb was hurled, setting the location of the police constable on fire .

8. The police constable escaped from the fire and his revolver dropped on the ground, with the magazine falling off from it.

9. Some citizens attempted to kick away / pick up the revolver, but it was quickly snatched back by the police constable.

10. The police constable made a phone call for help, saying “Help me, I am beaten up.”

11. The second petrol bomb was hurled to the police constable.
12. The police private car was damaged.

Points to note:
- It was the police constable who opened fire first, after which the petrol bomb was hurled towards him.
- The police constable never revealed his identity all along, and he fired the shot without warning. In addition, he ignored the citizens’ request for him to produce his warrant card.
- The incident is much questionable should there be any evidence proving that the police constable did bump into a person(s) while driving.

- Revolvers should only be used for self-defence but not for protecting oneself from getting caught if the person has committed a crime.
濕鳩才子 2019-10-6 12:48:13 幫推,有英文版!


潮州大藥房 2019-10-6 12:53:50 此回覆已被刪除
出走孤島人 2019-10-6 13:46:08 此回覆已被刪除
紅裝飾黑裝修 2019-10-6 15:38:56 有用post
紅裝飾黑裝修 2019-10-6 15:46:27 有用post