【突發】史上首次!超過55位 英國議員 直斥中共違反《聯合聲明》,攬炒團隊成功發動跨黨聯署!
八神隆之 2019-10-4 03:40:17


我要攬炒 2019-10-4 03:41:08
浴血鋼牛谷 2019-10-4 03:41:48 push
五五之男 2019-10-4 03:43:08 一見攬炒
浴血鋼牛谷 2019-10-4 03:44:46 我愛攬炒巴
格鬥士(遠攻) 2019-10-4 03:44:47
Alvin77 2019-10-4 03:45:11 多謝攬炒巴,香港仍有一線生機,支持
八神隆之 2019-10-4 03:45:17
浴血鋼牛谷 2019-10-4 03:47:27
灰色北極熊 2019-10-4 03:48:39
八神隆之 2019-10-4 03:50:17


浴血鋼牛谷 2019-10-4 03:50:19 push
浴血鋼牛谷 2019-10-4 03:53:15 我愛攬炒巴
盧大總統 2019-10-4 03:53:48 推 多謝攬炒巴
八神隆之 2019-10-4 03:55:17
浴血鋼牛谷 2019-10-4 03:55:55
浴血鋼牛谷 2019-10-4 03:58:48 push
八神隆之 2019-10-4 04:00:17
浴血鋼牛谷 2019-10-4 04:01:46 我愛攬炒巴
如果你想哭 2019-10-4 04:04:09
浴血鋼牛谷 2019-10-4 04:04:26


景福宮首席發言人 2019-10-4 04:04:30 攪炒巴,不如一齊寫信比各國要求cut 親共人士廁板免簽同拒絕佢地入境,結合英國議員回應一齊用,正呀


Dear Sir/madams,

I am writing to express my concern about reviewing free visa policy of HK citizens.

As you may see the anti-extradition bill protest happening in HK had shown some people or groups who are trying to eliminate the justice,fair trial,freedom, human rights in HK, that was the core values treasured by HK citizens.
Especially those who had pro-Beijing political mindsets. We HongKongese are now enter into a human crisis that caused by the Beijing government and her followers who are acting dehumanize behaviors to her nationals in HK.

As a result, I will kindly suggest ______ to review /terminate the free visa policy of HKSAR passport person who had found evidence in indicting/aiding/suggesting/participating and/or abetting China government to act behaviors to assault the freedom/democracy/justice and/or human rights values in HKSAR. Also, it may be a better idea to refuse these people to enter your country even for a holiday to give out strong signals that these people are not welcomed by the International society.
I suggest that checking the social media accounts will be an optimum idea for
Intelligence investigation to screen out those pro-Beijing mindset people.

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Your faithfully,
A HK citizen
少男情懷總是絲 2019-10-4 04:04:31
八神隆之 2019-10-4 04:05:17
絕地重生 2019-10-4 04:05:55 #沒有國慶 #只有國殤台灣後續!(義務律師團) 得200幾個Like冇人理? Condom?
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