食自助餐同飲咖啡 2019-10-2 16:00:40 自己睇,我信專家
I asked a U.S. M.D. to review the CT & was told there are 2 bullets. There are not 1 bullet & 1 bullet fragment.


古都光 2019-10-2 16:00:46 屌你張相好似打頸咁明攞命
八支八支半 2019-10-2 16:01:30 又係呢條ON9
弱者先瞓覺 2019-10-2 16:02:00
螢幕前的你 2019-10-2 16:02:26 蓄意謀殺
交屁 2019-10-2 16:02:57 係咪唔一定有火光?
路過的小膠羊 2019-10-2 16:03:17 仆街,開2槍
魔法麵包店 2019-10-2 16:03:39

"Shoot first and inquire afterwards, and if you make mistakes, I will protect you."
Hermann Göring, Founder of the Gestapo, and Head of the Luftwaffe
Instruction to the Prussian police in 1933

"At this minute, I have yet to confirm what happened. But the shooting was certainly rational and legal."
Stephen Lo Wai-chung, Commissioner of Hong Kong Police Force
Response to the shooting on October 1st, 2019

Gummomo 2019-10-2 16:03:53 唔該巴打
Mike_Chan 2019-10-2 16:04:50 咁短時間都要開2槍
想回到過去. 2019-10-2 16:06:03 屌你老尾,啲狗仲話講自衛,開槍已經唔撚岩,仲要唔係射手腳係射器官,都唔撚夠,仲要係開左2槍,痴撚線


食自助餐同飲咖啡 2019-10-2 16:06:27 唔使,希望大家清楚件事,為小朋友討回公道
而家就事必要你講 2019-10-2 16:07:04 此回覆已被刪除
流星雨 2019-10-2 16:07:22
用戶不名 2019-10-2 16:08:13
Ggabcd 2019-10-2 16:09:03 push
食自助餐同飲咖啡 2019-10-2 16:09:12 張片中肋骨位有兩個白點!!
魔法麵包店 2019-10-2 16:09:18 唔識回覆呢個哥哥:
黑色雨雲 2019-10-2 16:10:55 此回覆已被刪除
老人與狗 2019-10-2 16:11:07
無力挽回 2019-10-2 16:11:21 此回覆已被刪除


肆工奇 2019-10-2 16:11:56
ホタル 2019-10-2 16:13:05 此回覆已被刪除
八支八支半 2019-10-2 16:13:53 睇乜9
我係真心架 2019-10-2 16:14:36