皇天擎殺大樹窿 2019-10-1 23:07:39 推推推




達斯泰達 2019-10-1 23:07:57 犧牲在所難免
721721721721 2019-10-1 23:08:19 https://www.facebook.com/busueb/photos/rpp.423763107707890/2375431862540995/?type=3&theater
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紅豆冰西多士 2019-10-1 23:08:57 push
721721721721 2019-10-1 23:09:57 https://www.facebook.com/busueb/photos/rpp.423763107707890/2375431862540995/?type=3&theater
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大家SHARE 條FACEBOOK LINK 等多D人知唔止有手足左胸中實彈
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721721721721 2019-10-1 23:11:27 https://www.facebook.com/busueb/photos/rpp.423763107707890/2375431862540995/?type=3&theater
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美素皆宜 2019-10-1 23:11:45 dead link
月下聖人 2019-10-1 23:13:54 此回覆已被刪除
水刮大隊長 2019-10-1 23:13:57
721721721721 2019-10-1 23:14:16 https://www.facebook.com/busueb/photos/rpp.423763107707890/2375431862540995/?type=3&theater
721721721721 2019-10-1 23:14:38 https://www.facebook.com/busueb/photos/rpp.423763107707890/2375431862540995/?type=3&theater
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阿果 2019-10-1 23:16:21
阿果 2019-10-1 23:16:33 屌你老母殺人犯
為乜 2019-10-1 23:16:48
吾乳飛唔震乳 2019-10-1 23:17:46 唔係實彈嚟 不過係有中彈
(Zzz...) 2019-10-1 23:19:02
過氣獎金獵人 2019-10-1 23:19:03 [US immigration alert]


The US Department of State annually administers the statutorily-mandated Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. For Fiscal Year 2021, 55,000 Diversity Visas (DVs) will be available.

There is NO COST to register for the DV program.

For DV-2021, mainland Chinese are not eligible to apply, because more than 50,000 PRC citizens immigrated to the United States in the previous five years. Persons born in HONG KONG SAR are eligible.

Applicants must submit entries for the DV-2021 program electronically at dvlottery.state.gov between noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), Wednesday, October 2, 2019, and noon, Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT-5), Tuesday, November 5, 2019.
咁撚難改名 2019-10-1 23:19:29 係唔係仲有一個膊頭中彈?
721721721721 2019-10-1 23:19:33 https://www.facebook.com/busueb/photos/rpp.423763107707890/2375431862540995/?type=3&theater
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287410 2019-10-1 23:19:45
肥仔無人權 2019-10-1 23:20:53


721721721721 2019-10-1 23:21:04 我都唔肯定 得相 未搵到片
e’smartie 2019-10-1 23:22:37
讀得書多燒壞腦 2019-10-1 23:22:45
林唔到出來 2019-10-1 23:22:49 Fc,中真槍唔止呢個血量