米缸冇米 2019-9-26 19:18:39 嗄撚夠未


UK007 2019-9-26 19:18:41 詞不達義
炸蛋人 2019-9-26 19:18:41 收聲啦
《行運超人》 2019-9-26 19:18:41 此回覆已被刪除
ere 2019-9-26 19:18:45 我講緊個網係https://hkleaks.ru (香港解密)
做咗少少whois lookup搵到係兩間俄羅斯公司做hosting
入面有report abuse的方法, 請大家盡情report及share出去

第一步: report個網站

Email to: [url]abuse@reg.ru[/url]

Re: Report of Domain Abuse - https://hkleaks.ru

Dear Madam/Sir,

I am here to report the website https://hkleaks.ru which is holding personal information of Hong Kong citizens including their photo, name, date of birth, phone number, Facebook id and political stand. The purpose of this website is to encourage individuals with opposite political stand to harass the victims through these contacts. Please bring down this website immediately as I believe it is in violation of the terms and conditions.

Best Regards

第二步: report個報料email address

Email to: [url]abuse@safenames.net[/url]

Re: Report of Abuse of Email Address - hkleaks@yandex.com

Dear Madam/Sir,

I am here to report the email address hkleaks@yandex.com which is being used in the website https://hkleaks.ru to transfer unauthorized personal information of Hong Kong citizens including photo, name, date of birth, phone number, Facebook id and political stand. The purpose of this website is to encourage individuals with opposite political stand to harass the victims through these contacts. Please abandon this email address immediately as I believe it is in violation of the terms and conditions.

Best Regards


光復香港 時代革命
五大訴求 缺一不可
女農夫 2019-9-26 19:18:46 屌,收嗲啦乜撚野呀
我現時自己肯做淡 2019-9-26 19:18:46 中國令國泰活於白色恐怖之下又唔講。。。
我屌鳩你新假期 2019-9-26 19:18:47 係鳩咁喀喀喀
繁花似咁 2019-9-26 19:18:50 9唔搭8
盼自由歸於這裡 2019-9-26 19:18:50 夏!夏!
尊習討奸 2019-9-26 19:18:51 此回覆已被刪除


我知你睇緊我個名 2019-9-26 19:18:51 此回覆已被刪除
MDMA 2019-9-26 19:18:52 返大灣區啦
為所欲維尼熊 2019-9-26 19:18:54 八婆
B.S. 2019-9-26 19:18:54 剩係講機場屌
熊力法 2019-9-26 19:19:01 第三個食屎啦 收皮
眼鏡愛好者 2019-9-26 19:19:03 講撚左幾次我係機場做
HKAD 2019-9-26 19:19:03 ......唔好咁 佢問既問題其實都屌緊政府
唔撚屌 2019-9-26 19:19:03 第三個疑似藍絲
ICACBC 2019-9-26 19:19:07 此回覆已被刪除
夏枯草根 2019-9-26 19:19:12 又經濟論


核彈不割而支爆 2019-9-26 19:19:13 收皮啦9婆
古水缸 2019-9-26 19:19:13 搭錯線喎 主題錯晒
熊力法 2019-9-26 19:19:14 up 乜9
連登股聖 2019-9-26 19:19:15 第三個講到1999咁