『薪火post』BNO續期資訊(64) 先睇頭POST同DOC後先問問題之Join Q改咗名
希魔 2019-9-26 20:20:05 睇POST名


科界大毒絲 2019-9-26 20:20:25 想問下佢要我比 1 of the following that has your photo on it:
Non British passport that hasn't expired
National identity card (a color photocopy will do)
Driving licence
Any government or local government produced document

係咪都係比color photocopy 身分證就得?
因為佢本身已經要求我比color photocopy of 身分證
希魔 2019-9-26 20:21:47 BNO一定要比color photocopy of 身分證
有冇Non British passport that hasn't expired
科界大毒絲 2019-9-26 20:23:40 有呀
特衰(已color copy)
希魔 2019-9-26 20:24:27 就係one of the following喇
科界大毒絲 2019-9-26 20:25:37 本身已叫我比身分證color copy,特衰color copy,住址證明,同埋any one of the following that has my photo on it

我就唔明 1 of the following that has photo on it 要比d咩
科界大毒絲 2019-9-26 20:26:41 咁我如果本身已經要比color copy of 身分證
咁係咪可以唔理 1 of the following that has photo on it?
sweetpotato 2019-9-26 20:28:37
希魔 2019-9-26 20:29:20 呢個唔只係比BNO睇
希魔 2019-9-26 20:29:46 呢個係比BC睇
希魔 2019-9-26 20:30:10


az-687 2019-9-26 20:30:54
sweetpotato 2019-9-26 20:31:32
希魔 2019-9-26 20:33:29
山頭野人 2019-9-26 20:34:47
無雀仔嘅腳仔 2019-9-26 20:35:45
勞動帶來自由 2019-9-26 20:46:06 幾時會有埋錯既British Subject(BS/GBS)
同埋錯既British Protected Person(BPP/GBP)?
雷珍妮 2019-9-26 20:47:34 係呀我指呢個
希魔 2019-9-26 20:51:22 要有特別理由先可以11歲以下攞身份證
片刻永恆 2019-9-26 20:52:15 Approved

sweetpotato 2019-9-26 20:53:59


希魔 2019-9-26 20:57:59 等DHL SMS
所記 2019-9-26 21:07:55 申請時應該有講批核時間,大約6-8星期。
所記 2019-9-26 21:10:07 無人知,肯定嘅係,搵到舊資料,即有ref no(未必會通知申請人但會直去批嘅pe度),先會批到!
所記 2019-9-26 21:16:41 其實個回覆係點?會唔會走去SAR出嘅回應咋!睇返Sam 哥case應該有封信回應,話佢無記錄之餘,出國旅遊可使用特衰,之類.....